Exercise One – Python Batch Program





This is Exercise One: Python Batch Program. For this exercise, we were asked to write a working batch program that generates a very simple drawing, such as a pattern of tiles, a type of window, a section of a pillar, a bathroom, etc, making use of the functions we have learned during the first three classes.


Here is the Python Code:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math as m

#four points: 0,0 3,-y 6,0 3,y
#angle: 30degrees  rad=deg*pai/180

rs.DeleteObjects (rs.AllObjects())

#Assign coordinates to an object
obj = rs.AddPolyline (([0,0,0],[3,-1.73205,0],[6,0,0],[3,1.73205,0],[0,0,0]))

#Give coordinates of center point, and rotate
point = [0,0,0]
rs.RotateObject (obj, point, -60, None, copy=True)

point = [6,0,0]
rs.RotateObject (obj, point, 60, None, copy=True)


intx = rs.GetInteger ("Please insert number of diamonds", 18)
rs.Command ("arrayLinear " + str(intx) + " 0,0 6,0")


#angle: 30degrees
#Long=6, x=Long*sin30=3, y=Long*cos30=5.19615

intx = rs.GetInteger ("Please insert number of diamonds", 27)
rs.Command ("arrayLinear " + str(intx) + " 0,0 3,-5.19615")

Aobj = rs.AllObjects()

#rs.Command ("arrayPolar 0,0 6 360 Enter")

for i in range (1,6):
    angle = 360/6
    rs.RotateObjects (Aobj, [0,0,0], angle*i, None, True)

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