Class Practice Three – City Mass




This is the third in-class practice making an urban model using control structure in Rhinoceros. In this urban model, we also created empty space for central park, and we selected a spot where the buildings are much taller as the downtown area.

Here is the Python Code:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import random

citySizeX = 1000
citySizeY = 2000

lotSizeX = 40
lotSizeY = 50

offsetDist = 7.5

masterHeight = 30

def makeBuilding (lot, buildingHeight):
    origin = rs.CurveStartPoint (lot)
    #rs.AddPoint (origin)
    #this command will show the origin point on each rectangle
    #pt=[1,2,3]([x,y,z]) - (0,1,2), so: py[0]=1/pt[1]=2/pt[2]=3
    midPoint = [origin[0] + lotSizeX / 2, origin[1] + lotSizeY / 2, 0]
    rs.AddPoint (midPoint)
    plan = rs.OffsetCurve (lot, midPoint, offsetDist)
    roof = [origin[0] + lotSizeX / 2, origin[1] + lotSizeY / 2, buildingHeight]
    facade = rs.ExtrudeCurveStraight (plan, midPoint, roof)
    rs.CapPlanarHoles (facade)

rs.DeleteObjects (rs.AllObjects ())

#addRectangle needs to define plane in its parameter
plane = rs.WorldXYPlane ()
rs.AddRectangle (plane, citySizeX, citySizeY)

#// division, when it is only one /, the results could be non-integer, and it produce an error "float"
nrLotsX = citySizeX // lotSizeX
nrLotsY = citySizeY // lotSizeX
print (nrLotsX)

#make rooms for parks in our city:
ptPark = rs.GetPoint ("Please select park location:")
ptCenter = rs.GetPoint ("Please select center location:")

#in range, the results are always one less than the last range
#for example, (0,7), the results are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
#range inside another range:
for j in range (0, nrLotsY):

    for i in range (0, nrLotsX):
        print (str(i) + "," + str(j))
        #the command above will print a list of i and j pairs
        #the command below will produce a roll of #i lots and a column of #j lots
        newPlane = rs.MovePlane (plane, [i*lotSizeX,j*lotSizeY,0])
        #with the command below, a lot of rectangles will be produced at the same place, so we need to move them with the command above
        newLot = rs.AddRectangle (newPlane, lotSizeX, lotSizeY)
        #if lot is close enough to ptPark, don't make building
        ptLot = rs.CurveStartPoint (newLot)
        distPark = rs.Distance (ptLot, ptPark)
        #when the distance between ptLot and ptPark is bigger than our setting, it will make building:
        if (distPark > 200):
            newHeight = random.uniform (60,200)
            distCenter = rs.Distance (ptLot, ptCenter)
            #suburbanFactor = distCenter * .2
            suburbanFactor = 2000/(distCenter**.5)
            centerHeight = newHeight
            makeBuilding(newLot, newHeight + suburbanFactor)

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