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Visual Arguments

The photo I chose is of football players participating in a public protest. This photo argues for certain social problems to be addressed and acted upon. I found this photo to portray both sides of the argument surrounding police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement as some teammates remained standing while others kneeled. I believe this image is compelling because of the lack of violence. Many use violence to get a point across, however I believe it can take away from the credibility of ones argument. Sort of like when you’re arguing with someone and maintain a cool and even tone as opposed to rising to a yelling match. I found it important that while the players did kneel during the national anthem, they still had their hands to their hearts. I believe this shows a respect for veterans, like some may argue against. I also think the physical kneeling draws a quiet but powerful attention. This image also portrays an interesting aspect of allies. The football player wearing number 25 has his hand on the shoulder of his neighbor in support, but isn’t kneeling himself. I think this can be compared to many offering support of the BLM movement, but not actively participating in the rallies and protests. The argument is clear, those kneeling are fitting for justice and are ensuring their message won’t go unheard- regardless of how it’s viewed.


Photo Curtesy of: ED-AX162_Steele_GR_20180111131654-25prfwz.jpg

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