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How the FBI Helped Sink Clinton’s Campaign

          In the linked article above, The Atlantic discusses the investigation that was launched by the FBI into Hillary Clinton’s emails. This investigation is a true display of Kairos because of the timing. Unlike a sale, with a limited time frame and advertisement for a specific offer, this investigation was launched dab smack in the middle of the race for presidency in 2016. These emails spanned over years and were obviously under careful watch of the FBI, as they compiled nearly all of them,  as Election Day loomed closer. This lack of urgency was quickly reversed when their findings became public and the race to air Clinton’s dirty laundry was on. I personally believe it was interesting in terms of timing, I understand the FBI needs and should be impartial to political affiliation, but it did raise a few eyebrows with their choice of release date for this information. On the other hand, Donald Trump wasn’t let off the hook either, as he still has his own investigations pending as well. This tactical use of Kairos appeals to all three of the rhetorical devices. Firstly, with Ethos, the FBI itself as a unit carries an immense weight of authority with it. Most Americans look to the FBI as an entity with answers, and as a group that looks to protect the United States and look out for our collective best interest. Continuing on, Pathos is apparent as well in the FBI’s release of emails. The leaking of confidential documents definitely elicits an emotional response from citizens in the United States. Many felt a sudden lack of trust, respect, and frankly an overwhelming wave of disgust. All of these emotions already have a negative connotation, however when associated with a prospective president of our country, many were dissuaded from her campaign trail. Finally, with Logos, the FBI added even more credibility to their claims of confidential information being leaked by releasing the recipients and contents of the emails. I believe this adds to the Kairos of the article and the FBI because the specific details make their bold claim come to life to the shock and definite disappointment of Clinton and her supporters. On the other hand, this article could be dubbed a blessing to Donald Trump and his supporters. Not only did this event cement many republican’s views even more towards Trump, but it also most certainly swayed a few voters who found themselves in the middle of the political spectrum. Overall, the FBI’s release of Clinton’s emails was a calculated display of Kairos through its emotional reaction and opportune timing.

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One Comment

  1. mcramer

    Interesting choice to examine the kairos of a situation. The timing of the email scandal release seemed to have a definite impact of the outcome of the election. The then FBI director, James Comey, recently released a book which details parts of the email dilemma, and his main focus was that the FBI and US citizens all should be held to a higher loyalty of seeking the truth. With that thought, maybe this timing could be based solely on coincidence. That the evidence finally was compiled in its entirety, and able to be released for the first time–to show the truth no matter the consequences. Or, maybe this well planned use of kairos changed the fate of a nation.

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