
Publications with REU Participants (REU participants indicated with *)

Hunter, B.; Sacco, J.L.; *Katterle, K.; Kirigo, J.; Wood, T.K.; Gomez, E.W.; Pester, C.W. “Photoactive polymer coatings for antibacterial applications.” European Polymer Journal, 213, 113090 (2024).

Bahboudi, A.; Minervini, M.; Kedzierski, A.; *Azzariti, L.; Zydney, A.L. “Tangential flow filtration for continuous processing of crystallized proteins.” Separation and Purification Technology, 336, 126311 (2024).

Bell, K.; Hunter, B.; *Alvarez, M.; Seera, S.D.K.; Guo, Y.; Lin, Y.; Kim, S.H.; Pester, C.W. “Hydrolysis-resistant heterogeneous photocatalysts for PET-RAFT polymerization in aqueous environments.” J. Mater. Chem. A, 11, 16616-16625 (2023).

Samineni, L.; De Respino, S.; Tu, Y.M.; Chowdhury, R.; Mohanty, R.P.; Oh, H.; Geitner, M.; Alberg, C.H.; Roman-White, A.; McKinzie, S.; Lemus, C.; *Massey, J.; Ghosh, D.; Truskett, T.M.; Velegol, S.; Kumar, M. “Effective pathogen removal in sustainable natural fiber Moringa filters“. npj Clean Water, 5(1), 27 (2022).

Taylor, N.; *Morris, M.; Wee, A.; Ma, W.J.; Kristopeit, A.; Wang, S.C.; Zydney, A.L. “Bacterial retention during filtration of a live attenuated virus vaccine through the Sartobran P sterile filter“. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 111(7), 1887-1895 (2022).

Yin, X.; Zha, J.; *Gregor, S.; Ding, S.; Alsuwaidi, A.; Zhang, X. “Finned hierarchical MOFs supported on cellulose for the selective adsorption of n-hexane and 1-hexene“. Chemical Communications, 57, 13756-13759 (2021).

Farell, M.; Self, A.; Guza, C.; Song, H.; *Apollon, L.; Gomez, E.W.; Kumar, M. “Lipid-Functionalized Graphene Loaded with hMnSOD for Selective Inhibition of Cancer Cells“. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 12407-12416 (2020).

Jiang, J.; Serago, J.J.; *Torres, K.; Rapp, E.; Savage, P.E. “Fate of Iron During Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Hemin“. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 157, 104705 (2020).

Makarem, M,; Kim, H.; Emami, P.; *Melendez, J.; Steinbach, A.; Lipke, T.; Deleris, I.; Desmet, C.; Wallecan, J.; Kim, S.H. “Impact of Drying on Meso- and Nanoscale Structures of Citrus Fiber: A Study by SFG, ATR-IR, XRD, and DLS“. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 2718-2724 (2020).

Li, X.; Gunathunge, C.M.; Agrawal, N.; *Montalvo-Castro, H.; Jin, J.; Janik, M.J.; Waegele, M.M. “Impact of Alkali Metal Cations and Iron Impurities on the Evolution of Hydrogen on Cu Electrodes in Alkaline Electrolytes“. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167, 106505 (2020).

Samineni, L.; Xiong, B.; Chowdhury, B.; Pei, A.; *Kuehster, L.; Wang, H.; Dickey, R.; Soto, P.; Massenberg, L.; Nguyen, T.; Maranas, C.; Velegol, D.; Kumar, M.; Velegol, S.B. “7-Log Virus Removal in a Simple Functionalized Sand Filter“. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 12706-12714 (2019).

Li, M.; Fromel, M.; Ranaweera, D.; *Rocha, S.; Boyer, C.; Pester, C.W. “SI-PET-RAFT: Surface-Initiated Photoinduced Electron Transfer-Reversible Addition–Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization.” ACS Macro Letters. 374-380 (2019).

Zha, J.; Yin, X.; *Baltzegar, J.; Zhang, X. “Coordinatively Unsaturated Metal Site-Promoted Selective Adsorption of Organic Molecules on Supported Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets,” Langmuir, 35, 40, 12908-12913 (2019).

Xiong, B.; Piechowicz, B.; Wang, Z.; *Marinaro, R.; Clement, E.; Carlin, T.; Uliana, A.; Kumar, M.; Velegol, S.B. “Moringa Oleifera F–Sand Filters for Sustainable Water Purification.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 5 (1) 38-42 (2018).

Nalluri, S.M.; O’Connor, J.W.; Virgi, G.A.; *Stewart, S.E.; Ye, D.; Gomez, E.W. “TGFβ1-induced expression of caldesmon mediates epithelial-mesenchymal transition.” Cytoskeleton 75(5): 201-212 (2018).

Feroz, H.; *Bai, M.; Kwon, H.Y.; Brezovec, J.; Peng, J.; Kumar, M. “Can Fibrous Mats Outperform Current Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Membranes?” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56(37): 10438-10447 (2017).

Guha, R.; Xiong, B.; Geitner, M.; *Moore, T.; Wood, T.K.; Velegol, D.; Kumar, M. “Reactive Micromixing Eliminates Fouling and Concentration Polarization in Reverse Osmosis.” Journal of Membrane Science 542: 8-17 (2017).

Feroz, H., *Vandervelden, C.; *Ikwuagwu, B.; Ferlez, B.; Baker, C.; Lugar, D.; Grzelakowski, M.; Golbeck, J.; Zydney, A.L.; Kumar, M. “Concentrating Membrane Proteins Using Ultrafiltration without Concentrating Detergents,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 113(10): 2122-2130 (2016).

Dishari, S.K.; Micklin, M.R.; *Sung, K.J.; Zydney, A.L.; Venkiteshwaran, A.; Earley, J.N. “Effects of Solution Conditions on Virus Retention by the Viresolve® NFP Filter.” Biotechnology Progress 31(5): 1280-1286 (2015).

REU Participant Conference Presentations (REU participants indicated with *)

*Lawrence Azzariti, Mirko Minervini, Ali Behboudi, Andrew Zydney. “Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies via Microfiltration.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2023).  ***Third place in the Separations Division Student Poster Competition

*Liza Rodriguez Gonzalez, Maria Canonicco Castro, Spencer Szczesny. “Structural Characterization of Scaffold-Free Tendon Constructs.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2023).

*Emanuel Aponte, Barbara Perez, Hilal Ezgi Toraman. “Investigation of Product Distribution at Different Conversions of Polypropylene Using a Py-GCxGC-FID/TOF-MS System.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2023).

*Victoria Crunkleton, Chinmay Sankhe, Esther Gomez. “Large Tumor Suppressor Kinases Regulate Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Response to Matrix Stiffness.” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Seattle, WA (2023).

*Marvin Alvarez, Kirsten Bell, Christian Pester. “Enabling Usage of Heterogeneous Photocatalysts in Aqueous Solutions.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ (2022).  ***First place in the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Student Poster Competition

*Malcom Diaz Garcia, Chinmay Sankhe, Esther Gomez. “Regulation of G9a in TGFβ-Induced Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition.” Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Students – ABRCMS, Anaheim, CA (2022).

*Bryan Clampitt, *Kristine Biehl, Grace Vezeau, Howard Salis. “Developing Small Organic Molecule Sensors from Single-Stranded DNA Aptamers.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2019). ***Second place in the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Student Poster Competition

*Hansel Montalvo Castro, Michael Janik. “Understanding Cation Effects in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Cu(100) Surfaces.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2019). ***Third place in the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division Student Poster Competition

*Joy Massey, Camila Lemus, Charan Samineni, Stephanie Velegol, Manish Kumar. “E. Coli Removal in Moringa-Coated Sand Using Binary Mixtures.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2019).

*Anna Trofimoff, Ryan Fair, Enrique Gomez, Esther Gomez. “Gelation of Hyaluronic Acid for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering Applications.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2019).

*Jesus Melendez Gil, Amin Makarem, Seong Kim. “Understanding the Relationship Between Citrus Fiber Suspension Rheology and the Mesoscale Arrangement of the Fibers.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2019).

Andrew Pei, *Louise Khuester, Stephanie Velegol. “Effective Virus Removal Using Moringa Oleifera Coated Sand Filters.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (2018).

*Elisabeth Sorondo, *Spencer Christian, Michael Geitner, Manish Kumar. “Surface Modification of Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Enhanced Water Purification.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (2018).

*Sarah Freeburne, Christian Pester. “Solid-Supported Phenylphenothiazine Photopolymerization Catalysts.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (2018).

*Andrew Weaver, Michael Janik. “Effects of Adsorbed Peptides on Surface Chemistry for N2 Electro-Reduction to NH3.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN (2017).

Ziyuhan Ariel Wang, *Rose Marinaro, Manish Kumar, Stephanie Velegol. “Moringa Oleifera Modified Sand Column for Pathogen Removal in Drinking Water.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN (2017). ***Second Place Student Poster Competition

*Samantha Stewart, Gage Virgi, Joseph O’Connor, Esther Gomez. “Role of Caldesmon in TGFβ1-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition.” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN (2016).

*Ki-Joo Sung, Matthew Micklin, Shudipto Konika Dishari, Andrew L. Zydney. “The Effect of pH and Ionic Strength on the Filtration of Bacteriophage φX-174 through a Commercial Virus Removal Filter.” American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (2014). ***First Place Student Poster Competition

REU research evaluation and outcome papers

“The impact of applied improvisation on undergraduate engineering students’ professional development,” Xia, Y.; Cutler, S.; Osunbunmi, I.; Zappe, S.E.; Gomez, E.W.; Velegol, S.; Lee, M., Advances in Engineering Education, 2024, accepted.

Examining Gender Inclusivity through Sense of Belonging in a Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program at a Large Research University,” Dory, S.; Delgado, L.R.; Cutler, S.; Zappe, S.E.; Gomez, E.W.; Velegol, S.B. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2023.

Work in Progress: An Exploration of Students’ Conceptualization of Research after Participating in an Undergraduate Research Experience,” Tise, J.; Zappe, S.E.; Gomez, E.W.; Kumar, M.; Croninger, R.M.V.; Cutler, S. Proceedings of the 126th American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2019.

Lessons Learned from a Chemical Engineering REU: The Importance of Training Graduate Students Who Are Supervising REU Students,” Tise, J.; Hochstedt, K.; Zappe, S.E.; Gomez, E.W.; Kumar, M. Proceedings of the 125th American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2018. ***Received Best Student Paper Award

Student Outcomes from Undergraduate Research Programs: Comparing Models of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs),” Follmer, D.J.; Zappe, S.E.; Gomez, E.W.; Kumar, M., SPUR: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 1, 1, 2017.

Evaluation of a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Chemical Engineering Indicates Benefit from a Collaborative Model,” Follmer, D.J.; Gomez, E.W.; Zappe, S.E.; Kumar, M., Chemical Engineering Education, 51, 145-150, 2017.

Examining Student Outcomes from a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program: Year Two Results,” Follmer, D.J.; Zappe, S.E.; Gomez, E.W.; Kumar, M. Proceedings of the 123rd American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2016.

Preliminary Evaluation of a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program: a Methodology for Examining Student Outcomes,” Follmer, D.J.; Zappe, S.E.; Gomez, E.W.; Kumar, M. Proceedings of the 122nd American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2015.