
This assignment is a continuation of unity. In this, I was tasked to incorporate external images, new fonts, play with transparencies, and more. This was a lot harder then unity, especially with exporting the file as a pdf.


In this exercise, I really learned about the mechanics of Adobe InDesign. I learned how to download fonts, how to use the grid, and various other things. The skills I learned in this activity I can clearly see myself using them professionally and personally.

The Never Ending Project

For this project, I had to use Indesign instead of Illustrator of Photoshop. I learned a lot about this application and formatting. I think this isa good may to make a profolio of your work since it does not take up a lot of space. These techniques can also be used to make presidents like a pocketbook.

Never Ending Iteration

This is where I am so far in this. I put down the images I will use, however I wish I had more work to fill the empty space. I am also playing around with the text, especially with font, size, and color. I also plan on filling more of the empty space with the description section. I prep by sketching how I will use all of my images and plan on utilizing the text with the empty spaces.

Variations Final


This is the completed piece for this project. My goal for this project was to actually create something I would keep in my room. It had to meet my personal taste and meet the requirements of this project. Another important thing for me was to have this be motivational; something to look at and start the day with a bang. “Black Girl Magic”, is a phrase that is really dear and motivating to me, so I incorporated it. I also believe that we are one with nature and one with the universe so I incorporated those elements.

Variations Iteration


This is how much I got done on this project. I did a lot of prep-work this project; I have a folder of images I planned on using. Having my sketch and the folder of images made putting everything together a breeze. I used a lot of the techniques I learned in class, especially masking. By next class I hope to have everything finished.

Large Print Concept



For this project, I intend to depict a Black Woman as one with nature. I prept for this concept sketch by bringing my sketchbook and markers. I came to this idea because of the examples the teacher showed me in class. I wanted it to be something personally inspiring and something I would keep forever. I plan on gathering a lot of images on the internet for it.

Quick Mask


During this assignment, I learned how to use quick mask, save selection, and the laso tool. I also learned a different way to use masks. I prepared for this assignment by comming to class and bringing my drawing tablet. What I wished I did better was the red shape and the text, I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. This assignment was also hard because it took me a long time to actually understand what the wiki was asking of me.

Variation Final


After getting my original file back, it made me think of holidays (especially the fireworks). As I was playing around I came across this shade of blue and for some reason, this felt a bit like Halloween. I smudged the pumpkins to the right to bleed into the sunset but to also have a shape of a ghost. This project took a lot of preparation, I had to communicate with my classmates and on my own term, I had to figure out how to edit this. If I were to do this again, I would plan better.



In this activity, I used masking, burning, and various techniques to put Amelia Earhart’s head on someone’s body. This was difficult because I had to match the lighting and skin textures. Although I didn’t do a great job, I learned a lot! I prepared for this by bringing my drawing tablet to class. That tablet makes me use the mask too more comfortably in comparison to the mouse.