Why it’s important to vote in Primary Elections:
Primary elections are where voters select a candidate to be a political party’s nominee for a given office in the corresponding general election (Ballotpedia). However, across all primary elections in the United States, only about 20% of eligible voters vote in the primary election, and over 70% of congressional districts are either gerrymandered or otherwise considered “safe districts” (FiveThirthyEight). This means that over 70% of the seats in the House of Representatives are decided by less than 20% of eligible voters in their respective district. To make your voice is heard, vote in the primary election!
Benefits of Voting in the Primary Election:
- Less people vote so your vote matters more
- Since primary voter are more partisan, you can help prevent extreme or fringe candidates from being elected to office.
- Even if a candidate loses, a large number of votes shows policy makers many voters stand with their message. For example, Medicare for All is still in the national dialogue even though Sanders was not nominated.
How to Vote in the Primary Election:
If you are a PA resident:
1. Register to vote (Deadline: May 2nd): If you are not registered, go here to register and fill out all the required information
Note: PA is a closed primary state. In order to vote in the Primary Election, you must register for a party.
2. Research the Candidates: Decided which candidate will bet represent you and your needs.
3. Vote! In person voting occurs May 17th. If you need a mail-in ballot, requests must be made by May 10th and the ballot must be received by May 17th at 8pm.
Further information on voting in PA can be found here: https://www.pa.gov/guides/voting-and-elections/
If you are a resident of another state:
1. Register to Vote: Go to https://vote.gov/. Select your state and follow the instructions.
2. Research the Candidates: Decided which candidate will bet represent you and your needs.
3. Vote! Be vigilant for the date of your state’s primary election. If you do not know the date of the primary election, find out here.
Ballotpedia. “Primary Election.” Ballotpedia, https://ballotpedia.org/Primary_election.
FiveThirtyEight. “What Redistricting Looks like in Every State.” FiveThirtyEight, 16 Apr. 2022, https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/redistricting-2022-maps/.