The Hard Sleeper

On our way to Dalian, we had previously taken a sleeper train from Beijing.  In that train, we were in what they call the soft sleeper.  It had its own enclosed room with 4 sleeper bunks.  We have to take another train today (that will take 12 hours) from Xian to Yichang in order to get on the cruise.  This time I am in the hard sleeper compartment.  The hard sleeper experience so far has been extremely different from the soft sleeper.  There are 3 levels of bunk beds instead of 2 in the soft sleeper.  The beds are also so much less comfortable than in the soft sleeper.  I also have found a yellow colored stain on my sheets so I am exiled to the clean corner of my bed. I’ve also had to pretend to fall asleep in this corner because there is a couple cuddling right above me, and I really don’t know what to do.  This train ride just got even more uncomfortable.  In addition, there are no doors in this part of the train so at least one person must be in our little compartment at all times to make sure nobody steals our belongings.  I am pretty sure people are watching me sleep since I am on the bottom bunk.

A few of us on the program have started to build an alliance in the hard sleeper.  This consists of looking out the windows together and typing about our experience on our laptops.  Some of us have begun to act delusional and have begun fantasizing about being back in the United States and eating hamburgers.  I don’t like hamburgers so this conversation topic doesn’t phase me.  I eat my chips and dream of Cool Ranch Doritos.  Someone luckily has a movie to get us through an hour or two. I sit in my stain-free corner, dreaming of freedom.

I volunteered to take the hard sleeper just for the experience.  I thought I could handle it. Also, I was told that Xinli would buy my lunch if I didn’t pick the soft sleeper so I guess I had an ulterior motive.  I guess this is karma for me being cheap.  I know now to pick luxury and just buy my own lunch.  The hard sleeper is no place for a small-town Connecticut girl.

Life in the Hard Sleeper

Life in the Hard Sleeper

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