Today we visited 2 of the 36 mystery caves. The walk to the caves was very scenic with horses, archery, fishing in the river, a walking bridge, and plants. These caves are over 1,000 years old and are a mystery because no one knows the exact purpose of having these 36 man-made caves.
Hearing how old these caves are made me realize how much older China is than America and how many more historic places there are to see in China. Seeing the caves left me in awe. How were these ancient people able to build these large caves without any of the engineering technology we have today?
There were massive pillars though out the caves and small slashings on the walls to reduce echoes. I was amazed to learn that the slanted ceiling was at the exact same angle as the mountain above it. The tour guide believes that the caves might have been used for military purposes, but no one really knows. There were some holes high up in the walls that may have been for lighting, but they were very high so I wonder how people were able to reach them easily.
I look forward to the other caves being open to the public, so that I can see pictures on the internet. I hope one day historians discover the history and purpose behind these caves in Huashan.