Rural China

Marisa Saliola 5/27/16


We visited the rural area of Huangshan where Xinli’s mother lives. This was a great experience because we were able to see how the majority of Chinese people live. The rural area was very different that city-life because the houses were smaller and much closer together. Xinli’s mother’s house was 3 stories high and was made mostly of wood on the inside. The bathroom was in a different building than the main area, so you had to walk outside to get to it. It was very peaceful in this town. Everyone was quiet and seemed very content. There were young children running around in 90 degree weather wearing long pants and jackets, so I guess they were used to the hot weather. At the end of the day, We had dinner at Xinli’s mothers house. This was fun because there was so much food and we were able to experience what Chinese people eat in their own homes.

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