Huangshan City


In the city of Huangshan, we had a more unique experience.  With a population of only a little over 1 million, Huangshan is the smallest city we visited, excepting the Hong Qing Village about an hour outside the city.

My favorite part of the city was the old town in Tunxi District.  Here we perused countless shops selling many cool things of varying size and price in aging buildings of traditional construction.  We also ate several meals here including two at an excellent restaurant in the background of the famous old gate.   Here they served the most extensive variety of oriental food I have ever seen.  I even tried fried squid head there.  It would be to the right of the gate if my picture had been taken from the other side of the gate.  I acquired most of my souvenirs at this time.

One other item of interest in Tunxi District was the road itself.  Paved in flagstones upwards of one millennia ago, the drainage was rather poor due to its age.  The rain tended to gather in intermittent puddles that avoided the quaint stone sewer grates.  One wonders how effective the system was when it was built centuries ago, before shifting and sinking earth ruined its inclines.

I also found a cute kitten.IMG_20160527_134208623_HDR[1]

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