Day 19 of the Trip: Xinli’s Hometown (4/5)


Xinli’s Hometown

This was easily one of the best days of the trip. We went to Xinli’s hometown village called Hongqing. It was a small, poor town, but this was the real China. It was the definition of a small tightly knit community. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows exactly what everyone else is doing at any given moment. When we set off fireworks on the bridge, the entire village came out to watch and cheer. At one point it started to rain so hard we had to find shelter so went to this random overhang. And the owner of the overhang came out and invited all of us into his home. Turns out he went to middle school with Xinli. That’s just the way these people are. So genuine, so ready to give whatever they have to anybody who needs it no matter who they are.

After this we had the Battle Royale. There was something about the rain and the drinks at dinner that got everybody going. On the bus we had two teams and every so often we would invade them or they would invade us and it would turn into a full blown slap fight. When we got back to the hotel, the one team hid from us on the third floor and ambushed us as soon as we got off of the elevator. It turned into an all-out brawl. The video says it all. One of the funnier moments of my life.

After the Battle Royale we made up and went to get snails and crayfish in nothing but robes and silk shorts. 

Ryan Gleason


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