Feng Shui


Every city throughout this trip had unique qualities and were very different. This included different foods, different people, and different cultures. The Beijing, Dalian, and the cruise cities all had various qualities that distinguished them from each other. There were very clear differences between the rural areas and the cities. 

Feng Shui is the The cities we visited during the cruise displayed Feng Shui as their homes were lined along the river and had views of the river and the mountains. The same goes forProfessor Wu hometown in She County. Feng Shui adds balances and serenity to areas. We understand that our surroundings affect our energy. This was evident in the big cities and rural areas.  

Beijing’s city culture was crowded and aggressive as the people always seemed busy. The city was not based on a river as in the other cities. China’s capital was full of tourists that were excited to explore their nation’s history. However, there were many street sellers who were aggressive and often yelled at tourists. The crowded atmosphere affected me as I seemed to always be in a rush to keep up with the group. Opposite to Beijing, the towns along the Three Gorges Dam cruise and Professor Wu’s hometown were relaxing. The small villages along the river were situated inside of the mountains and were not bothered with many tourists and aggressive behavior. As I travelled throughout these cities I felt the Feng Shui as my heart settled into the energy of those villages. Although there were vendors in the small towns along the  river, they did not force their products at you. They sat there and allowed you to come if you were interested. Specifically, Professor Wu’s hometown was a small village nestled into the mountains along a river bank. Everyone seemed calm and safe. 

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