Author Archives: Joseph Anthony Hernandez

Shanghai financial center

One of the final things that we got to see on our program was the tallest observation deck in the entire world.  This observation deck has a height of 474 m above the ground and it offered a fantastic view of Shanghai.











This is definitely a must see thing when going to Shanghai.  It has these glass windows on the floor that if you stand in the correct spot and look down you can see through all the way to the ground.  Call me crazy but I kind of wished I could’ve bungee jumped from such a height.  To bad Shanghai would never allow something like that.

High speed train time!

Towards the end of our program we took a 30 minute train ride from Shanghai to Suzhou.  What made this particular train ride so special was that we got business class tickets on the world famous high speed train!  The ride was so smooth, quiet, and fast.  IMG_0351


The picture doesn’t lie, I think we topped out at around 305 km/h which if converted into mph is about 190 mph but the craziest part is you don’t even feel it going that fast.  The only give away to how fast we were going was when I looked out the window and watched us pass another train as if it was standing still.  It was incredible.


America should adopt Chinese eating habits

One of the best things that I personally liked from Chinese was the way they eat.  Basically you go to a restaurant with a group of people and sit at a table, which is usually in a circle.  Then the servers bring out so much food you are almost overwhelmed, its amazing that Chinese people aren’t fat.  They place the food in the center of the table which can spin in any direction.  From there you just pick off whatever food you like little by little and enjoy your meal.  It’s great and I wish we had something like that in America.

Video Games taught me about China!

A few days ago we visited the Three Gorges Museum.  This museum turned out to be one of my  favorite things to see throughout this entire visit to China.  The main reason is because I saw an exhibit that talked about the Three Warring kingdoms in the ancient history of China.  To my surprised I actually knew a lot of the names of the generals and the battles they participated in.  I even knew what weapons they used during the war and the reason I knew all of this was because I played a game called Dynasty Warriors  as a kid.  A valuable lesson can be learned here….and that is video games can be a viable history tutor!

Acrobat Show!

So today was our first real day of exploring China and we managed to cover a ton of ground.  Starting at the Tiananmen Square and ending with an acrobat show.  We saw a lot of interesting things but I have got to say the Acrobat show blew me away.  There is simply no way to accurately describe this marvelous show.  Those crafty acrobats defied physics in ways I never thought possible.  To anyone reading this post that has not seen this show I would like to pose one question.  How many people do you think can physically ride on one bike? The answer may surprise you and if you ever get the chance you really have to see this show in person.

FYI the answer is about 12-13 people.