E1: Initiating opportunities to collaborate with other professionals to support YA

Mr. Rishel Observation on 2/1/2022

Over the course of the semester, I have been able to observe several different classroom settings and teaching styles amongst various grade levels. Above, I was able to communicate through my mentor teaching to get connected with Mr. Jason Rishel, 8th grade Social Studies teacher, to see a new interactive technological resource with the hopes that I would be able to implement it into my own classroom instruction.

Classroom BluePrint Photo

Actual Classroom Set-Up Photo

I was also fortunate enough to be able to work with Laurie to help set up seating charts for each class period. Which proved to be MUCH harder than it looks- ensuring that students are compatible with their desk partner, and can work/behave effectively with their surrounding students. We had worked in previous classes (classroom management) on an activity similar to this, pairing different personality/student types effectively in a fictional classroom setting. It was really neat to see this activity come to life, working cohesively with Laurie to actually create effective groupings in our own classroom setting to help foster that healthy, welcoming classroom environment.