Coronavirus reflection

I do not really know where to start this post. It is hard to pick one place to start talking about the Coronavirus. The sheer size of this pandemic and its effects are astonishing. It has almost seemed like a domino effect around the world. The effects of the virus are seen not just in the medical field and the overwhelming rate of cases hospitals and medical facilities must deal with, but also in many social aspects. One of the scariest domino effects of the virus is the toll it is taking on the global economy. The stock market is crumbling, and businesses are falling under. Even once the virus clears up, the economic downfall will be felt for a long time.

Every single person in this country has had their lives turned upside down. It is very upsetting to know that I will not being going back to school this semester, and I will have to move out of my dorm in the next few days. I do know, however, there were people whose lives took much more drastic turns than my own.   I feel for the people who were supposed to get married in the next few weeks as many of them have had to cancel their weddings. I also feel for the people who are seniors in high school and college because many graduations and other events have been cancelled.

I am still trying to process it all. It is very hard to process as everything changes so rapidly all the time. It seems like I wrap my head around one development, either personal or national, and a new one comes right along seemingly turning my life, and the lives around me upside-down all over again.

I hope anyone reading this is safe, healthy and keeping busy.

1 Comment on Coronavirus reflection

  1. hjt5146
    March 22, 2020 at 6:07 pm (4 years ago)

    I completely agree with you. It will be felt for many years to come and I especially feel for the small businesses who do not have the sort of flexibility that big corporations have. Personally, my brother is a senior at Penn State and I can see his frustration and sadness about graduation and missing out on his last few months as a college student.


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