Advocacy Project Organization

For my advocacy project, I would like to continue my subject matter from my issue brief and focus on eating disorders in America. The advocacy organization I could hypothetically partner with could be the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA). NEDA is a major eating disorder resource in the United States and is constantly working to spread awareness of and resources for eating disorders. The exigence for this organization is clear with how prevalent eating disorders are in America, and how deadly eating disorders are. NEDA’s audience is people currently struggling with eating disorders and their families as they provide both education and resources. Other audiences include people who have recovered, medical professionals, mental health professionals, and lawmakers. Overall, they target anyone affected by eating disorder, or those who can impact change in the community. NEDA’s biggest constraints to their advocacy would most likely be funding, and the ability to reduce stigma that is so engrained in society.

Here is a post from the NEDA blog:

1 Comment on Advocacy Project Organization

  1. Amy
    May 2, 2020 at 2:36 am (4 years ago)

    This sounds like the perfect organization to partner up with for your topic. Eating disorders are sadly common within the United States and it sounds like this organization does great work with spreading awareness and providing resources. I can’t wait to see what you do for this project.!


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