You may have heard about the massive number of trees that have been cut down in recent years. Due to the demand for wood and lumber, companies have come into forests and slashed down quite a sizable number of trees. In some places, the forests look unrecognizable; the once rich, green vegetation has turned into a somewhat barren environment. As we may all know, cutting down trees and clearing forests poses a severe threat to our environment.
First of all, plants and trees play a large role in absorbing carbon dioxide. As increased deforestation takes place, there will be fewer trees to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Therefore, this will result in an increase of green house gases in the atmosphere, which in turn contributes to climate change. Also, the purpose of deforestation is often for farming. Land is cleared in order for crops and livestock to have space. When this occurs, an abundant amount of water is required to sustain this farmland. Because of this, water is being taken out of its natural environment, which disrupts the water cycle and encourages drought.
After further consideration, it is also important to remember that timber and wood are finite resources. There are not enough trees that can replace those that have been cut down. Over time, the revenue that can be gained from obtaining additional timber may be insignificant compared to the cost of harming the environment. The rate at which trees is so rapid, that it is predicted that all rain forests may be lost by the year 2100. Although this is the worst case scenario, it provides a good illustration about just how much damage is being done to our natural habitat in a relatively short amount of time.
Probably one of the most emphasized points about the harm of deforestation lies in the idea of losing many of the unique species that call the forests their homes. Not only do we lose a source of oxygen, we also lose the mammals, reptiles and birds that make up the ecosystem. As a result, many animals have had to relocate, these new homes are not as suitable. In the long run, this poses a severe extinction threat for many animals who call rainforests and other wooded places their homes. In my opinion, this point is the one where people can understand the effects instantly. When animals are pushed off of their natural habitat, more of them are at risk of being placed on the endangered species list. When this occurs, people realize the importance of protecting these animals from extinction. At the end of the day, we share the Earth with other organisms and living things. It is only natural to feel that it is our responsibility to respect their environment and well-being. More than ever, scientists and the general community have made efforts to prevent animals from becoming lost forever. With the help of mass media, this result of deforestation has been highlighted over and over again.
Now, time for the good news. Deforestation does have positive effects for business. Besides clearing land for farming, clearing trees provide more space for infrastructure and road systems. The population is expected to keep increasing exponentially (more than 10 million people expected to be living on the earth by the year 2050), so more space needs to be cleared out to account for this expected congestion. More living spaces and dwellings for people can only be created by clearing more land. Also, this cleared land allows more farming to take place, which will be essential for this growing population. In order to feed a larger number of people, more crops need to be produced, so deforestation would make sense as a reasonable solution.
Furthermore, the trees provide lumber and other wood products. Paper, toilet paper, and other essential items can be made from these cut down trees. It is no wonder that trees are needed for people to use common household products. With the selling of these products, more revenue can be brought into local and regional areas, which in turn stimulates the economy. Additionally, forest clearing provides jobs for many workers. Some people may not have other ways to support their families, so working for a company that clears forests is a way for them to bring in income. Additionally, deforestation allows them to further bring generate revenue if the cleared land is used for farming. In a sense, these kinds of jobs allow workers to receive a base salary to take care of their families along with potentially providing other avenues to bring in more money.
In conclusion, deforestation is a complicated issue. Although there are great environmental repercussions, the value that clearing forests has on business is quite great. This is another example where the solution is not as clear. As a society we want to protect our environment, but we need to make sure that people have jobs, updated infrastructure, and enough food. What do you think? Are there environmental-friendly ways to provide for a growing population? Is there an alternative that would still allow business to prosper? If so, the world could be a greener place – both environmentally and financially.