Month: August 2022

Gallery 205 Main Exhibition

Global Changes and Children’s Lives Katz: growing Up Global, Chapters 3, 6, and 7 Capitalism is often depicted as a deluge that sweeps away and drowns all that comes before it. Yet it is, of course, more complicated than that.  As Stephen J. Gould pointed out years ago, Darwin was drawn to study earthworms because their…Continue Reading Gallery 205 Main Exhibition

Gallery 204 Main Exhibition

Physical Spaces of Childhood Mitchell and Reid-Walsh: Chapters 3 and 4 Chawla: “Special Place – What is That?”  Briski: Born into Brothels (film) A critically important part of Mitchell and Reid-Walsh’s work in Chapters 3 and 4 (and indeed, in the entire book) is the insistence on the following statements: Not only the materials but also the…Continue Reading Gallery 204 Main Exhibition

Gallery 203 Main Exhibition

Virtual Spaces of Childhood Jenkins: Unlimited Freedom of Movement Mitchell and Reid-Walsh: Researching Children’s Popular Culture, Chapter 5 Rosen, The Overprotected Child Brown, Raising free-spirited black children in a world set on punishing them “Video games constitute virtual playing spaces, which allow home-bound children … to extend their reach, to explore, manipulate, and interact with a…Continue Reading Gallery 203 Main Exhibition

Gallery 202D Side Exhibition

Gender Roles in Dolls and Toys Dolls vs. Action Figures As pointed out in the chapter “Boys Will Be Boys and Girls Will Be Nice,” any discussion of war, weapon, and superhero play will almost inevitably turn into a discussion about gender (p. 15). Along these lines lies the conversation around dolls and action figures….Continue Reading Gallery 202D Side Exhibition

Gallery 202C Side Exhibition

External Influences on Children’s Choice of Toys Peer Pressure and Rough and Tumble Play  There are many articles and surveys that support the idea of rough and tumble play among young children, particularly boys. But, are there social repercussions for those who fall outside of the typical gendered play activities?  “People may feel pressure to…Continue Reading Gallery 202C Side Exhibition

Gallery 202A Side Exhibition

Diving Deeper Into: Boys Will Be Boys and Girls Will Sit NicelyTypes of Play in Childhood Development Welcome! Thank you for choosing our exhibit to check out. We want to offer you our research along with personal experiences. We believe it is important to be vulnerable, build a community of leaders, and make people feel…Continue Reading Gallery 202A Side Exhibition

Gallery 202 Main Exhibition

Play and Toys as Expressions of Identity Readings: • Mitchell and Reid-Walsh, Researching Children’s Popular Culture, Chapter 6 Historical Spaces: Barbie Looks Back• Buckingham, The Material Child, chap 9 “Beyond Peer Pressure.” Consumption and Identity in the Peer Group• Holland, P., “Boys Will Be Boys and Girls Will Sit Nicely” (pp. 15-29) Hello from Group…Continue Reading Gallery 202 Main Exhibition

Gallery 201C Side Exhibition

Experiences of Nonbinary Gender Identities Nonbinary Medical Experiences  As Dr. Geopferd explained in her TEDx talk, nonbinary children and adults experience a range of reactions when people ‘find out’ or suspect that their gender identity does not align with the ‘norm’. Parents of nonbinary children may mourn the loss of the child they expected theirs…Continue Reading Gallery 201C Side Exhibition