Sampling Instructions

Sampling Instructions

Where to Collect Your Sample

In order for our analysis to be as accurate as possible, you will need to collect your water sample before any water treatment you may have in your home. This is specific to your home and your well.

If you have a water softener, you will need to sample the water before it reaches the softener and/or tap filter. In many homes, this is often an outdoor water spigot. Some homes may have places to collect water before a water softener system. Any of these places are fine to collect your sample as long as it is before any water treatment systems you have in your home.

When to Collect Your Sample

For the purpose of this analysis, you will need to collect your water sample after running water through your system for a extended period of time. To figure out when to sample, think about when your household uses the most water during the day. It might early in the day, while you run your shower. It might be later in the day, while you do dishes and laundry.

After this time, you will need to collect a sample of cold water in the location you have determined you would sample, as discussed in the previous section.

Sampling with the Bag – (PDF)

  1. With the black fibers still in the bag, Unscrew the lid and fill the bag to the marked 1-gallon line.  
  2. Screw the lid back onto the bag. 
  3. Pull the bag up by the handles and set it back down. Make sure that the bag is filled to the 1-gallon line. If not, carefully fill to the 1-gallon line.  
  4. Set the bag aside for 24 hours.
  5. After around 24 hours have passed, you will drain the bag. With the lid still on you can either turn the bag on it’s side and allow it to drain, or hold the bag upside down.
  6. Squeeze the remaining water out of the fibers while they are still in the bag.  
  7. Repeat two more times, over the next two days.

Sampling with the Bottles – (PDF)

  1. Begin by unscrewing the cap from the bottle and turning on the water to drain slowly from the tap/faucet.
  2. To collect this sample, we are going to fill up the two bottles with water to the top, leaving no room for air as shown in the images. Slowly fill up the bottle until you see the meniscus at the top of the bottle.
  3. Screw the lid on to the bottles tightly.
  4. Repeat for the second bottle.

Shipping the Samples 

  1. Ensure the lids on the containers are securely closed.  
  2. Place the bottle and the bag into the Ziploc bag and seal the Ziploc bag.  
  3. Place the bag into the second bag and seal the second Ziploc bag shut.  
  4. Insert the bag into the shipping envelope then close and seal the envelope.  
  5. Place the shipping label on the exterior of the envelope.  
  6.  [where to take/ship the envelope] 
  7. Send an email to letting us know to expect your package.