People or Machines? Potential Topics for Passion Blog

Topic 1: Interesting Interviews

The basic idea here is that every week (or blog post). I would interview a different unique and interesting person. I have always considered myself an extrovert. In fact, one of my favorite traits of mine is the ability to walk up to a random stranger and start up a conversation.

While that might not sound like anything special. I assure you the amount of people that are just too scared to do it is quite high. People want to stay in their “bubble” and don’t meet new people. I on the other hand like to extend out and reach as many people as possible.

This blog topic would allow me to share my experiences with you in a casual way suited for blogging. It would be as if we were in a room and I was just telling you about this cool friend I met. It’s perfect for blogging.

In terms of notable examples of this type of blog Everything Everywhere might be the closest, I have found. He does a travel blog and on it, he talks about the great people he has met.

Topic 2: Tech Blogging

One of my biggest binges/past times is reading tech news. I love staying informed on all the latest news, reading reviews, catching up on advancements in the industry. This would be a chance for me to condense all the news I have read so far that week and share a tidbit of information with my audience.

Nothing crazy, but just a cool update on where I think the industry is headed or what I think is the coolest advancement in tech that week.

There are a TON of tech blogs out there. My personal favorite would have to be The Verge. While they have started to branch out into other topics they are still primarily a tech blog.

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