RCL #4

My comparison artifact is the last public statement by Col. Roosevelt before his death in 1919. It is often misquoted as a statement he made in 1907 while he was still president.

In the letter/speech, Mr. Roosevelt talks about immigration and what it means to be an American. In essence, he welcomes all those who wish to call themselves American as long as they truly commit to the idea.

My speech item, the Statue of Liberty, provides a good point of comparison for dealing with America’s attitude on immigration from a different angle.

The text of his speech is good for an in-depth analysis because it has a similar message to the Statue of Liberty while elaborating on it further and going into more detail on this issue than just the states short text can provide.

The Statue of Liberty, as a comparison artifact, is more ideological in nature, whereas Mr. Roosevelt not only talks about welcoming those that wish to become Americans but also elaborates on what needs to happen for them to be accepted here in America.

This further elaboration will be the basis for my extended analysis on the speech.

Some of the topics to be touched upon include:

Language in America, Our Flag, The Melting Pot, and Discrimination Based on Birthplace.

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