RCL 2.0 #1

Civic Issue
1. Social media invades and monopolizes time for almost all generations at every stage of life. It has been instrumental revolutions and grassroots political movements, but it also has been used for cyberbullying and the spread of sensationalized journalism. The invasiveness and addictiveness of social media will continue to be a hotly debated issue and as such could be a potential civil issue blog topic.

2. University is for many families another mandatory step of life. More people, from more cultures, are in universities than ever before and thus grades become an even more important distinguishing factor. With the mounting pressure on grades, Academic dishonesty at the Univesity level is a major issue. My civic issue blog could explore the development and any potential solutions to solve academic dishonesty.

Passion Blog
1. I am currently in the middle of reading The Power Broker by Robert A. Caro, and by “in the middle” I mean only 7% of the way through the book. A winner of the Pulitzer Prize, The Power Broker, is the biography of renowned urban city planner Robert Moses. As one of the single most influential men of the past century, his actions have directly shaped the road network of America forever. In this blog, I would hope to go section by section — as I read the book — in an effort to explain who Moses is, what he has done, and why he did it.

2. In the past year, I read two influential books that changed my life. They are Zen in the Martial Arts and The Art of Time. Each passion blog post I would break down 1-2 concepts I learned from one of these books (or any other influential books I read) and share it with my readers.

Last semester, I put in the effort to make all of my blog posts presentable and turned in on time. This semester, I want to go beyond that. To be proud of my work and want to share what I have written rather than thinking about it as just “one more chore.”

With regards to framing and execution, my previous semester’s effort was passable. My formatting was great, so I plan to keep it the same. The only thing I will focus on is making sure that each post truly does build and connect with the others to make a cohesive work that ads value. In contrast, last semester was a bunch of loosely related mumbo-jumbo under the same roof.

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