How Will AI Software be Incorporated into the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom: The Complete Guide - ViewSonic Library

With the advent of new technology such as AI software, how the classroom looks may drastically change within the next decade. Products such as ChatGPT could have profound impacts on how we teach and educate students depending on the path we choose to take and the regulation we choose to enforce. These tools which include software like PhotoMath and Symbolab. These different AI applications cane used by students in a number of means which could range from writing essays, solving math problems, and even creating art. Fo students that use these tools as supplemental help, they could benefit from the rewards these softwares provide. However, for students that use these applications as the primary creator their work, they may struggle in the present and future.

These applications have the potential to act as creative outlets and provide insight about certain subjects. Students that consult these softwares can get help but they still act as the main source of the material they create. A student could very easily use these outlets to cheat and provide their work as their own. This not only hurts the creativity of students, but of their critical thinking skills as well. On top of this, some of the information that applications like ChatGPT offer are incorrect and false.

What is ChatGPT: Beginners Guide to Using the AI Chatbot - Metaroids

Regulation of these softwares can be present din multiple ways. From my perspective I don’t think we can simply allow students to use these applications without restrictions, however it’s a powerful tool that we should still learn to use to our advantage. Teachers could possibly encourage the use of the tool to analyze work with software like Grammarly which builds upon your existing content. They could also provide resources like symbolab which show you how to solve complex math equations. ChatGPT is trickier because its such a powerful tool but even this software could be used to benefit the student’s education.

Overall, we must decide how these softwares will dictate the future of our education and make decisions which will affect students now and their intelligence in the future. The subject is a slippery slope and many people will argue different sides but consistently when schools accept technology rather than fight it, and accept the future they tend to see better results in testing and the classroom. I’m interested to see how this argument develops over time as softwares continue to improve but as of now I feel that slowly adding this into the classroom may be the best solution.