Passion 1: This Week’s On Repeat

Over the years, I have become a very avid Spotify fan. I will spend hours upon hours messing around with it on my computer. My favorite part about using Spotify as opposed to other music streaming services is how I can see what all of my friends are listening to. This feature has led me to many discoveries of great music. And now I will share them! However, I feel the need to mention that I am not at all musically trained. I know absolutely nothing about harmonies or chords or anything. I am just basing all of this off of what I think sounds good. 

This week, I have found two songs in particular that I am obsessed with. The first song I found this week was “Beige” by Yoke Lore. I actually found this in someone’s instagram video and not on Spotify. The video I found this in was a video a friend of mine made about her first semester of college, and I thought it lined up perfectly with the smiley videos she chose. 

While the title makes it sound as if it is going to be boring or depressing, it is anything but. It starts out very calm, with just vocals and a banjo, but as the song progresses he brings more pieces into the mix that all combine perfectly. Though, the song never loses its relaxing and warm feel. Like a lot of Yoke Lore’s music, this song makes me feel like a movie character. I find this song to be so heartwarming. It’s a love song, made clear by the lyrics. You can feel how much he loves whoever he is writing about through the tone and feel of the song. 

The second song I have been playing on repeat this week is “Mess” by Noah Kahn. I am a big Noah Kahn fan. Besides just sounding good, his music is pretty vulnerable which I enjoy because there is always something I can relate to. In this song, he talks about coming back to his hometown after being away for his career. As is the song title, he sings about feeling like he needs to come home because he is a mess. While I am absolutely not traveling across the country to pursue a career, I could relate to this feeling being away at school for the first time. There were a lot of times I felt like I had no idea what I was doing and missed the familiarness of home. The combination of the lyrics and the upbeat but also melancholic sounds captures perfectly this feeling of being overwhelmed and homesick. 

Both of these songs I have found fit very well with my life recently. Thinking about how much I love and am excited to see my school friends as I go back, but also knowing I am going to miss the familiar and calm of home. Overall, two great songs that I have been playing over and over recently.

One thought on “Passion 1: This Week’s On Repeat”

  1. Cate, first of all, I LOVE “Mess” by Noah Kahn. His music is so good and I love how complex not only his lyrics are but also the harmonies and added music effects. Needless to say, that choice is certainly a great one! Overall, I think that your description of the songs, especially the words you chose, really made the blog come alive and make me want to listen to the songs you suggested. I love your ability to relate the songs to an overarching theme, i.e. homesick or love, to make them relatable. Great job!

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