Brasil 2014

As many of you may know, SouthAmerican countries are pretty known for being massive fans of football (soccer). Even though in my country it is our main sport, our biggest success has been being able to qualify to the World Cup itself.

Bad organization over time has put us behind other teams but this year the odds are on our side (hopefully).

I just wanted to tell you how important this is for us, imagine a Super Bowl and the whole country rooting for one team. Absolutely no one misses the match, and it really impacts the whole country when we win. Streets are collapsed and every single soccer team (Club soccer) unites, forgets its rivalry and unite to root for our small country.

“La tri” ‘s name comes from the three colors in our flag, tricolor. This small video shows almost everything you need to know about our team.

Hopefully “La tri” makes it big this year.

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Sophia Lucia, Small girl Huge talent

Sophia Lucia, a world-renowned junior dancer performs her 2013 contemporary solo “Titanium” at Kid’s Artistic Revue in Escondido, California.

This girl is only 11 years old, and she has the technique of a dancer that has been doing it for probably twice her lifetime, So my question is, is dancing something you learn? or is it some innate talent you are born with it?

I don’t know what to say cause I’ve always believed you can grow as a dancer but this girl proves she was born with this huge talent. She is famous all over the internet for a video of her doing 54 pirouettes  right here

Isn’t she amazing?

Check out her performance I was mentioning before, her technique is beautiful and her dancing is full of grace, she makes it look so easy right?

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Never judge a book by its cover

Salsa is a dancing style that takes a lot of coordination, agility and flexibility. Try asking any 80 year old to do this, almost impossible right? Well this 80 year old called Paddy is definitely salsa queen.

That tiny adorable lady can do more than most most of us could! Watch Simon Cowell’s reaction and even many members of the audience yawn and roll their eyes “Just another boring person without any talent” maybe they thought, but Paddy definitely blew them away and proved them wrong, she sure knows how to salsa!

It just proves you’re never too old to dance.

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A to the Z

Found this video on my Facebook feed the other day, Instantly thought of a blog post about it. There’s no much to say rather than watching it. 3:33 min is what it takes to show you almost every possible style of dancing and step there is.

It really is amazing how many variations of dancing there are now a days, can you imagine those medieval times where all they did was the waltz? The now popular Twerking plus its variations are amongst the new dance styles that you can see in nightclubs meanwhile Pole dancing has almost become a sport phenomenon which you can even get lessons on.

Check out “Ultimate” at 2:22, those are some mad skills there aren’t they? Jumping like that almost requires some kind of gymnastics background and lots and lots of practice. So take a look and enjoy what the dancing scene has to offer.

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Save the Yasuní

727.947 is the number of signatures collected in my country to prevent the government of drilling oil from one of the most diverse rainforest in the planet. The park holds a world record 150 amphibian species for places with comparable landscapes. It also is in the top for amphibian diversity compared to other sites sampled in the western Amazon, as well as birds and mammals.

It is home to an estimated 800 million barrels of crude oil – 20% of Ecuador’s reserves so there is  huge debate, the profit it would make vs the diversity it contains.

What would you support? I would definitely support the preservation of this national park, just look at it!yasuni21 images



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Año viejo

Since we were talking about Ecuador a bit, I felt like maybe I should share some traditions with you. April is here and back home this month is known by the start of the manufacturing of Año viejos. It’s exact definition is old year. Every New Years Eve, each family has a cardboard figure of everything you could imagine, ranging from superhero figures to cartoons or even politics and celebrities. This figures are the physical representation of the year that has just passed, and the tradition is to burn it away to make all the bad things of the passing year go away. This Año viejos are sold since the beginning of december so that everyone is prepared for New Years eve.

It may sound silly or exaggerated but they start manufacturing this figures with 8 months in advance because of the huge demand there is. Low income families sometimes rely on their profit of this figures for all year long and continue with this family business over generations. It is a tradition to go with your family to the streets to find merchants with their figures, its not a store or a market, just people on the streets earning money.

Here i’ll share with you some of my favorites.




All those lights you see on the coast line are big stacks of burning Año viejos

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I have to admit, I had never realized how BEAUTIFUL my country was until I was away from it. The longest I’d been away from home before coming to college this winter was a month and a half when I went to an Eurotrip with my friends. But now I really miss home, don’t get me wrong, is not that I don’t like it here I love it and is my college experience I will forever remember, but there is really no place like home.

Ecuador is pretty much the size of Pennsylvania, but we are recognized for having so much diversity in so little space. Coastlines full of beaches, highlands, amazon river and rainforest and the Galapagos Islands all in one place. My beautiful country.

This month a new campaign has started #AllYouNeedIsEcuador placing the letters of this phrase all over the world for people to see. It is a clever way to foment tourism in my country and to get people to know about this peace of heaven in earth.

Give it a look, I promise you wont regret it and maybe someday you can visit me in my home country!


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Flash Mobs + Proposals = Perfect Match <3

The title says it all. Another proposal.. Proposal videos are viral on the internet now a days but I swear this one is worth to take a look at. I’ve always said how dancing unites people, but why explain it if you can see it with your own eyes in this video.

Downtown Disney and the help of friends can make a magical memory for everyone. The girl in the video has no clue, maybe she was thinking, “oh another disney parade” or something until her boyfriend jumps in, her face says everything, Love, love, love we can never be tired of it can we?

The dancing is really well made, mixing some hip hop moves into a pop song with church bells sounds like a challenge, but they make it pretty modern and fun. The moves are not the ones you would expect of a pop song totally the opposite but they manage to pull it off and to be honest it’s beautiful!

For the proposal jump to minute 1:25

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Evolution of Hip Hop

Going through my Facebook feed this week I found a gem. Jimmy Fallon and Will Smith wearing some Fresh prince of Bel Air clothes and dancing through every kind of Hip Hop dance found in history. Even though they are not professional dancers I found quite amusing how well they do this dances. This whole compilation does a really good job by putting together all those steps we have sometime done in a bored party just to be silly. I’m sure everyone has at least done one of them once and can relate to them while they dance. Check it out!

My personal favorite is the “I’m about to breakdance” and the “hey ho”. What’s yours?

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Gendering Ads

For my Cultural Geography class we had to analyze how ads now a days were gendered and I found a perfect example, I actually think this company has made a good job since you think of them and instantly think of masculinity.


AXE  sells men’s fragranced deodorant.  It distinguishes it self from its competitors by making commercials always based around the idea of encouraging masculinity and sexism. The targeted audience is clearly single men looking for partners because why would a married man want to have girls falling over over him? As much as men may secretly want it, that would bring trouble wouldn’t it? So the intended audience is young men looking to have fun and have plenty of girls around them.

So what makes this ad gendered? The first thing that makes it gendered for males  is the scenery of a single man apartment, clothes on the chair deep blue walls and undone bedding. Fragrances have their own identity, soft and subtle for women and extravagant and elegant for men. AXE has a reputation of a masculine fragrance in every single one of their products so the single fact that is an AXE ad makes men interested in it and women pretty much look away since it is not aimed for them. The ad has an attitude that men have: picking up women, flirting around and have them falling for them. This attitude and behavior describes what characterizes people from one gender to another according to the gender definition.

Pretty interesting how even products have genders isn’t it?


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Last weekend I went to Florida for three days. My parents where going there from Ecuador for vacations and they surprised me with a ticket so I could see them since I don’t have a chance to visit them like most most people do on spring break on easter. I was so excited to see them but everything got better when they gave me a one-day pass to one of the best music festivals for EDM there is. ULTRA! I was so excited to see all of my favorite DJs all in one place. There were so many types of people, music and dancing and I can really say it just made my weekend better.

The main stage was amazing! it made you feel like you were on a 3D movie and really captured every single beat of the song and transformed it into lights and fireworks. Here is a picture so you can all appreciate it. If you like EDM, You should really give it a try



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Pumped Up Kicks

As we all know there are many types of dancing and to me, they all depend pretty much on the music. Dubstep is a genre of EDM, electronic dance music, that focuses on sounds related to drum and bass and sometimes vocals with really intense drops.

The first time you hear it, its kind of strange and may be rough to even understand the pattern of the music, but after you see someone dancing to it, everything makes complete sense.

So, take a look at this guy dancing to “Pumped Up Kicks”

The whole time it looks like he is floating! and how every step he takes follows the rhythm and all of the sounds involved in the song is amazing! Check it out.

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Spring Break

Well it’s that time. The time that many students have been anticipating for months now. The week long break from homework, exams, constant cold weather, and early mornings. This break is more commonly referred to as Spring Break. For some, this is their first spring break in their college career while for others, it’s the last spring break that they’ll ever have. Some students will be headed back home to see their families, friends and beloved pets. But others have chosen to travel with some of their closest friends to destinations such as Florida, California, and other tropical islands. Warm weather, spending time with friends, and not worrying about anything school related will be refreshing. But for international students, traveling somewhere by plane is not such a simple task.

If you are an international student and you’re planning on leaving the United States and traveling somewhere like Cancun, Dominican Republic and other islands, you should remember to visit the international office first. If you leave the United States and you don’t have a signature on your I-20 form, you will not be able to enter back into the United States to continue your college education. This means that you will inevitably miss class, exams and important lectures and have to face a long process to get back into the country. So plan ahead and remember to be safe wherever you’re planning to go on this beautiful spring break!



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Step up

So, this week I wanted to get back  to the first of all Step Up movies. It premiered on 2006 and the final dance it featured is full of talent, choreography innovation and crazy dance moves.

The first part shows male dancers with an Urban choreography. They have some floor dance moves backflips and an incredible air kick by the main character of the movie.

Next there is a ballet fusion with some jazz by the ladies of the group and is really interesting and amazing how the incorporate this dance moves into an urban song.

The final part of the dance that really catches my eye is the duo by the main dancers, it has some tango vibe and is really creative, here you can see it all!

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So I come from a small South American country called Ecuador. Last Sunday, elections for new mayor were held in every state of my country. Rafael Correa is our actual president, and a lot of people don’t like him anymore because of his support to Venezuela’s actual president Nicolas Maduro, the man who the people blame for all the atrocities happening right now over there.

That must not be something good, supporting this kind of behavior of a countries’ police force and is not even the first time. Correa has stated on various instances his support on these goverments like Venezuela and Cuba in which terrible quality life is provided for its people because of its political systems.

But all the support he used to have is appearing to banish. His political party had a candidate in every big city for mayor, and he really thought he would win, cause that is what has happened in the last 7 years. But the result were different, His party lost in every single one of Ecuador’s big cities giving hope to all citizens of people finally realizing that we could end up like Venezuela or Cuba if this escalates.

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All Hail Queen B

Beyonce, Beyonce, Beyonce. Whenever I think of a performer that is the whole package I think of her, she can sing and she can DEFINITELY dance. I’m going to share with you in this post, what I think is by far Beyonce’s best performance ever.

Billboard Awards 2011

There is something magical about her, her choreographies are one of a kind, choreographies we have never seen before. Beyonce’s other famous single for its dancing number is “Single Ladies”. Both of this performances are very simplistic in a way. White screen with simple animations, not any new technology or 3D experiences. As well as in Single ladies, a white background and three girls dancing. So what makes it memorable and different?

For me, its the dancing, different combinations of dance moves, hips, steps and even some kind of latin vibe in her with hips moving like in a Salsa number.

Its perfect!

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Middle Eastern Beauty

When you hear the words “Belly dancing” what do you think of? Shakira? A girl moving like a snake? Well actually belly dancing is much more complicated than that. I’ve been belly dancing for 8 years now and I constantly hear crazy assumptions of this old tradition. Belly dance covers much more than just moving your hips There are thousands of dance techniques and moves you need to learn before you can actually dance solo.

A good way of understanding this tradition is by knowing what is behind these weird movements. Belly dancing was created by eastern women in the “before christ” era. Its actual motif was the conception of a child. They believed that by dancing barefoot they would get fertilizing power from the earth’s soil and by uncovering their stomachs, the moon would grant them a child. This ritual was sacred and men were forbidden to see it.

This later began to develop itself as an entertainment for women. There are lots of variations with different stories behind them. For example, the cane dance (Saidi) which is an adaptation from how men used to intimidate their opponent before fighting by waiving their cane in the air forming figures. Another example is the Zaar dance  in which women believed that they would scare evil spirits away by waiving their head and hair in a circular motion. Kind of different of what we are used to right?

cane_dance_IMG_7436 zaar









Zaar image:

Cane image:


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Where do I get my news from?

Thats a good question, Im not a newspaper kind of person so how do I know whats happening out there? I love social media I think that is the best way to keep us all connected and my main source of news of what is happening around the world is Twitter.


Twitter is really simple actually, for those who have never used it before it may seem as the most non-user friendly website ever. At first you just don’t get it. But after days of exploring around you’ll see what twitter is all about which to me is Thoughts. Yes! thats it,  just thoughts from people from around the globe. Thoughts compressed into 180 characters not words C h a r a c t e r s.

You may be wondering, how could you learn about whats going on in the world in just 180 characters but that is what is all about. You read a story, you find it interesting and then the little seed of curiousness is implanted in you. You decide how you follow that story later; Google, Newspapers, Friends they all work.

You might wonder, that’s not good, reading only what you find interesting but the question wasn’t what is the BEST way of getting your news or the most effective one. It was how do you get your news and that is what I do. I love updating my feed and getting up to date info of the world in real time. You could give it a try, maybe you will get stuck into the twitter world like I did.

Image source:

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Jasmine Meakin

I first discovered this Australian talent on 2011 looking for some dance moves for a show case I had to choreograph for my high school annual dance show. Having the best choreography was a big deal and me and my friends did our best looking for some new “fresh” dance moves no one had tried before. Thats when I came across with the MEGA JAM youtube channel.  A group of Australian dancers with its choreographer Jasmine Meakin.

This girl has a real passion and you could tell in her dances! Her dance moves are really feminine however she never looses the hip hop background. Her body says exactly what you can hear in the song she is dancing too, no matter if it is Pop, Hip Hop, R&B she nails every single one of her choreographies.

Take a look at my personal favorite, “Run the world (Girls) -Beyonce”. It has strength in every beat and at the same time it flows completely with the harmony of the music. I just love it!

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UN Ad campaign.

un-women-auto-complete-shows-what-internet-thinks-of-women-1 (1)

Photo Credit:

This add was released by the UN to show the internet’s perspective of women rights. The first that comes to my attention when I see this image is the white box centered in front of the women’s face, covering her mouth. We see that the surrounding of the picture is all black because of the hijab or veil, and the lightning focuses mainly on her face. Her eyes portray sadness. Inside the search bar we can read “women need to” and the text below which is the autocompletion part of the google bar according to most popular searches we can read “women need to be put in their place” “women need to know their place” “women need to be controlled” “women need to be disciplined”

What I can tell about this add is that its simplicity in colors and in content makes it a powerful thing to see. It is hard to accept that this kind of thinking still happens in our so called “modern society” but we all know that people nowadays have google as a main source. Every time we look for more information on a subject we go to this source, and with the autocompletion feature google has we can see whats going on every time someone googles the phrase “women need to”. So to me this search bar represents human thinking, what people think in their sub conscience and google whit no fear of prejudice because no one is around showing how human rights is an important issue. At the end of the add we can see the phrase “women need to be seen as equal” same font, same size leaving a last thought on the reader. That phrase is outside of the box for a reason. I believe this happens because it is not there but thats a way of saying that it should.

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Contemporary what?

Contemporary in some kind of way expresses the present, What happens right now in this specific timing. Thats exactly what contemporary dance does. The dancer is able to express many feelings with their body making the spectator feel exactly what they are trying to say.

When we hear the word Dance, many of us think of Ballerinas. Sophisticated and elegant but when it comes to contemporary dancers, the elegance is lost and the priority is the rawness of the movements like in the picture we see underneath. art_of_dance

No shoes or tutus that is what is all about when it comes to  contemporary dance. A mix of ballet, jazz and personal touch makes it all come together as a different dance. So it is definitely worth it a look, it gives you goosebumps and actually feel and understand the story the dancer is trying to tell.


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The State of the Union

Being an international student, it was difficult for me to follow along with President Obama’s speech. I don’t have a vast amount of background knowledge about him. However, after reading some of the political critics, I have come to conclude that President Obama should be focusing more on making his own decisions for the country rather than looking to congress for every situation.

Having such power, much like the past presidents, allows him to make decisions for the country because ultimately, the fate of the country is in his hands. He needs to use his executive power more effectively.

But you know, thats just my opinion. I just got here so I don’t really know what has happened before.

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