The geology of Utah is incredible, and there’s no place better than Southern Utah University (SUU) to get your undergraduate degree right there amidst some of the best geology in the world!

Studying by Firelight

Studying for classes at SUU doesn’t get any better than this!


You know you’re in the right place when crinoid fossils are jumping out at you like this. Standing beneath the waves in what was once of a vast ocean.

I don’t think Dr. MacLean knew we would take him so seriously when he told us to make sure we had everything we need for field lab that hot, fall day. Great times!

Field work doesn’t always have to be hard.  Coral Gardner recording data with me along Leeds Creek. This research contributed to my senior research project.


A beautiful day hiking to the fossil quarry.  Don’t laugh, but our packs are full of huge rolls of toilet paper.  It’s what we use to protect plant fossils in transit.


My geologic partner in crime, Kate Kupfer, asked me to check out petrified ripples at her family’s property on Cedar Mountain.  Layers and layers of tidal events had been pushed 10,000 feet above sea level.


A cool summer evening on the back of Aquarius Plateau amidst an oasis of life at 9000 feet. A weekend spent exploring the effects of elevation on diversity.


Who needs raindrops on roses when you can have raindrops petrified with mud cracks! A true indicator of seasonality–monsoons followed by extended dry periods.


One day a visitor came to inspect our work.  It was all fun and games while we could see her(?).  But things got a little uneasy when we lost track of her whereabouts (rattlesnake centered in the photo). Fortunately, the day ended well for all of us. We got our work done, and the rattlesnake mosied off to a more quiet location.
