As many of you probably know, many states and countries across the world have decided to go into an at-home lockdown, where people are not allowed to leave their houses unless it is for something absolutely necessary, such as buying groceries. This government request can really be a challenge and even impossible for some, but people all across the world are putting in efforts to provide shelter for those in need.
There have been measures put in place by the California government to put homeless people in hotel rooms. There is a sector of this population who has been tested positive for the coronavirus, and with lack of adequate care or shelter, the numbers would likely only growing, infecting some of the most vulnerable of our population. Luckily, “Gov. Gavin Newsom’s legislative team has reportedly secured roughly 4,000 hotel rooms statewide with the hopes that the initiative could help lead to permanent housing after the COVID-19 crisis has been contained” (GoodNews). It is encouraging to see that people in California are making efforts to both help the homeless population during this time of crisis, and also potentially improve their lives after all of this has passed as well.
Also, in New York City, Ty Warner, the chairmen for the company that owns the Four Seasons— one of the nicest hotels in the city— has offered the entire hotel up to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers who are working on the frontlines to combat the virus. He was reported saying “Many of those working in New York City have to travel long distances to and from their homes after putting in 18-hour days. They need a place close to work where they can rest and regenerate” (Good News). Having to travel far to return home only would increase the likelihood of these workers in catching the disease, so this generous act helps prevent that. It is also important that they are cutting down on their commute time, so they have more time to rest in between shifts. When we see companies in the private sector choosing to aid the social welfare of the community, and putting revenues and profits out of their minds, it is encouraging to see what the country can do. We are seeing this type of generosity all over the world, such as in places like the United Kingdom and Spain. People everywhere, really are making the efforts to combat this virus once and for all, and help as many people as possible until we finally reach that goal.
It’s always uplifting to read some good news, especially now. In other positive news, China seems to be bouncing back and as people become healthier, we can resume life as usual. It’s been tough reading articles talking about the outbreak and how devastating it has been, and I’ve been struggling a lot missing my friends and my boyfriend who lives over 200 miles away – thanks again for writing about something uplifting. 🙂 makes me feel a bit better