
LULC-Convection Associations

This research area focuses on the associations between land use/land cover (LULC) and convective processes, with an emphasis on the Midwestern U.S. Corn Belt region. LULC-convection associations are analyzed using in-situ surface flux and soil moisture observations in addition to remotely sensed and reanalyzed data.  


Polar Climatology

The interactions among sea ice, land ice (glaciers, ice sheets), the ocean and atmosphere in both polar regions are analyzed for the historical, recent and contemporary periods, and predictions made in light of climate warming physical processes such as ‘Arctic Amplification’.

Climate Impacts of Aviation Contrails

The roles of ice-crystal cirrus clouds generated by commercial aviation (contrails) in influencing surface temperature and precipitation are studied in context of geographic and physical relationships with the radiation balance, jet aircraft flight densities and atmospheric circulation patterns.