It’s What I Do

What do I do? I must confess, at this point in my life, I have not yet found the all-consuming passion of the kind that drives Addario across war zones thousands of miles away. As a matter of principle, I prefer to fixate on the little things, how the numerous tiny factors that form my world all come together to create the reality I experience. I look at every decision I make, the people around me and the environment I inhabit. Call me neurotic, but I can never bear not knowing where the parts intersect, which tiny gears drive the large ones into motion.

For example, I recall the moment I reached into the pocket of my backpack and realized I left my headphones at home. Until the day I had to walk to class without the sounds of a podcast or music in my ears, I didn’t understand how much those tiny plastic beads had influenced the way I went about my life. Instead of plugging my ears during my daily walks to class or meals in the dining halls, I sought out new acquaintances and found time to converse with old ones. Beyond the limits of my everyday life, I hope to investigate the overlooked forces that have changed the world as we know it today.

One of my passion blog ideas would be combining two of my interests, geology and history. Though I always thought the two operated on completely different planes — we measure the former on the scale of millions of years while the latter occurs in hundreds — the people who live on the Earth’s surface live at its mercy. Geology informs where people settle, the way they adapt and the cultures they develop over generations. Another idea I have would be to blog about the effect of marketing on the way people view issues, and how both choice of language and confirmation bias play into that.

3 thoughts on “It’s What I Do

  1. I also don’t think that I have found the passion that encompasses Addario’s life. I find the marketing idea quite interesting because everyone has a different view on certain issues.

  2. It’s completely okay that you have not found an all-consuming passion, that’s why most of us are here! My main interest revolves around Psychology/Science, but I also take an interest in cultures just as you do. My interest in cultures is probably not as in-depth as yours, but I really admire you for having a natural passion in the field of geology/history. I would love to hear your take on languages and their cultures in your blog.

  3. I definitely can relate to your first statement about not finding your all consuming passion. However, I think a marketing blog would be a really interesting topic for you to blog about as well as to read!

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