RCL: “This I Believe” First Draft

“This I Believe” 1st Draft

This I believe, I believe in the unspoken rules of life. The small microscopic understandings between strangers. The shared rulings that each person has come to except. Picture for a moment an empty lecture hall, now imagine a handful of students walking in and choosing where they should sit. There is a shared understanding that they are gong to aim to sit as far away from each other as possible. Two, three, four, a whole row; it doesn’t matter, there just needs to be some form a space in between them. This understanding that they all have is what I believe in. No words are exchanged, minimal eye contact is made, and yet they are able to coordinate the intricate dance of finding a place to sit.

These small unspoken rules are a quintessential part to our society functioning, without them we would be lost. These shared understandings make things run smoothly. The idea that everyone should walk on the right side of the sidewalk is made that much more important when someone disregards this rule. Or the idea that when a disabled or old person, pregnant women gets onto the bus that one must give up their seat.

These small, seemingly unimportant laws that are set and shared between complete strangers, young and old, play a huge role in our society (NEED BETTER CONCLUSION)


So this blog may be slightly off-topic in comparison to the others, but I think that it is still an important topic nonetheless. In thins blog, I am going to go into the different types of foods that you can enjoy along with your bubble tea.

I haven’t really gotten to try the places in State College, so this blog is going to be about the places back home in NYC. Don’t worry most of these places are chain brands so you will be able to find one close to you!

The first place that I am going to be talking about is VIVI. This place is super popular and super good, but the only downside is that they are sort of pricey. Although it is totally worth it! VIVI has a bunch of different food items, but I think the most popular has to be the popcorn chicken. Basically it is small pieces of fried chicken that comes in a multitude of flavors. Basil, pepper salt, curry, spicy and garlic. This snack goes perfectly with a bubble tea. Vivi tends to make their tea on the sweeter side, so the combination is perfect. Vivi doesn’t only serve popcorn chicken, they also have herb jelly, Taiwanese sausage, and many other delicious food items.

The second place that I am going to be talking about is bubbles. Bubbles, unfortunately, is not a chain store, from what I know, there is only one down in Chinatown. Bubbles similarly to Vivi has a bunch of different salty and sweet snacks that go perfectly with sweet tea. They also have popcorn chicken and even though it is cheaper it doesn’t taste as good. The only flavor that is worth getting is spicy. The food that they are known for is their tornado chip. Basically they take a whole potato, they spiral it onto a skewer then they deep fat fry it and flavor it to your desired taste. This is such a fun snack to take pictures of and enjoy with your friends, family or just by yourself.

These are only two of the places you can get food, but in the next blog, I am going to go into a couple of more places. In addition one of the places in State College. Hopefully, by next week I can go and try their food. I hope that this was entertaining and useful to you. Please if you ever find yourself in Chinatown in NYC you need to try these places!

Outline For Ted Talk

IDEA: What makes Disney princesses and other fictional characters so influential? Why do they play such a big role in our lives/ why do they continue to be relevant year after being produced? What and if are some of the negative and positive impacts on children?

Hook: Showing some examples of these characters having a huge impact on our lives –> weddings/Halloween/Disney land

First point: Defining influential –> this is important to note because there are many different ways in which a person can be influential.

Second point: Going into the role that they play in our lives and why this is the case

Third point: Why do these characters and stories stay relevant year after the movie or the book has been released

Forth point: Bigger picture –> why should we care about this. What impact does this have on us and is there a danger? Going into the pros and cons

Conclusion: Bringing this concept to people’s everyday lives. How can you make yourself more influential or more memorable? Do we see any patterns in the way that people like the Kardashians and YouTubers can have so much impact on our lives?


As you probably have gathered from the last couple of blogs there are many different types of teas you can order. Right now we are going to take a look at the many different teas you can get!

Slush: Slushes are the best on a hot day, or really any day. The slushes don’t, for the most part, have much tea in them. Similar to a frappuccino or a smoothie, slushes are a frozen blended drink. Most places will put whatever fruit you order jam or preservative with some tea or juice and ice. Don’t worry, just because they are not technically bubble tea doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy some of your favorite toppings. Most places will let you put the tapioca or any of the jellies into the slush. I would totally recommend getting one and if you ever find yourself in New York City you need to go to bubbles, they have the best slushes.

Milk tea: The next type of tea is the classic milk teas. Basically these are just some form of milk mixed with a tea or a powered flavor. One example of this powered flavor is Taro milk tea. Taro is a root, that is normally purple or grey. This root is ground up and made into a powder and mixed with the milk. Another example is the different kinds of teas that can be mixed with milk. You can order black, green, oolong basically any base tea mixed in with the milk. One topping that I have not mentioned before is brown sugar. Basically they mix brown sugar with water and heat it up. They add brown sugar to the milk tea instead of sweetener.

Flavored tea: The next is flavored teas. This is any jam of preservative, the same that they use in slushes. They add it to any of the base teas and mix it up. You can add any topping to this, normally people add any of the jellies or the tapioca.

As you can see there are many different types of teas. There are many different teas and flavored so sometimes it may seem confusing and overwhelming. I hope that this blog can clear all of this up and I hope that it was helpful. So whichever tea you choose to have I’m sure it will be delicious!

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