TED TALK: The Danger of a Single Story – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I watched this ted talk in 11th grade AP Literature during our unit on Toni Morrison’s Beloved.

During this Ted Talk, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie goes into depth about the danger of a single story. She, a Nigerian woman, tells different anecdotes from her life about people making assumptions about her and others from a single story. I think that the reason I love this Ted Talk so much is because of the relatability. She makes the point that if someone is constantly given or presented with a single interpretation of a group of people, in their mind that group starts to become that single story. Unfortunately, I think that we can all think back on a time in our lives where we made a snap judgment or fell victim to buying into a stereotype.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie makes the point that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but people need to start recognizing these traps. I think that this a very strong and powerful message. When she gives anecdotes from her life she is adding to her ethos, people can see how she has dealt with this danger of the single-story firsthand. It also adds to the pathos of her ted talk, people can see the struggles and relate to them.

She then goes into talking about how she once heard that to be a successful writer you have to of has an unhappy childhood. She talks about some of the people she has lost in her life due to conditions in Africa, she talks about the political fear and the rationing of food when her parents were not paid their salaries due to the under-appreciation of education. But then she flips the point on its head and says that if she only wrote and spoke about these problems she would be one dimensional, that pain and suffering would become her single story. I think that this is arguably the most important point in her piece. We need to recognize that people are muti-dimensional and complex. People are not just what you can see on the surface level.

Bubble Tea in State College!

So by now, you have heard a bunch of stuff about bubble tea, you heard about what it is, the names, the toppings, and places to go. In this blog, I am going to tell you about 3 places in State College you can find this delicious drink.

Please note that there may be more than 3 places in State  College, but these 3 are ones that you can walk to from campus. All of them are in downtown.

The first place is Cafe wow, located right next to urban outfitters, this cafe is very close to campus. Cafe wow has a large selection of flavors and toppings. They mostly have popular and basic teas but do have some cool interesting flavors. Including sakura (cherry blossom) milk tea and brown sugar milk tea. I would recommend these two teas, they are both very good. Cafe wow also has a small selection of food, some being crepe cakes. These are sort of expensive, I have never had one, but I have heard from friends that they are very good.

The next place is further away from the center of campus. Past Hammond and old main, MOMOTARO is another option in downtown State College for bubble tea. This place is a lot bigger than Cafe wow, there is more seating and a warmer environment. MOMOTARO has a lot of interesting and new flavors. One of them being purple rice. This drink is really good, but some people may be turned off at first. The drink consists of regular milk tea, which is just tea mixed with milk. The drink also has typical tapioca or bubbles. But what makes this drink really special is the addition of black rice. Black or purple rice has a lot of health benefits, more so than white or brown nice. Purple rice is also has a sweet taste to it. The consistency is also like oatmeal or rice pudding at the bottom of the tea. It is really tasty and totally worth getting if you ever find yourself over by MOMOTARO.

The last place I have already spoken about in the last blog post, but this place is Kungfu Tea. The farthest place (again I live in Pollock so I am going based on that) from campus, Kungfu Tea is 3 blocks farther than MOMOTARO. Regardless of the distance, this place is must try. Kungfu tea is arguably the best, It has the best tapioca and tea. YOu should really try to make a trip over there.

I hope that this blog was helpful to anyone who was looking for different places to go to get bubble tea in State College!

RCL BLOG: Brainstorming topics for ted talk and paradigm shift paper

Idea #1: Disney princesses –> influencers

For the paper, I would talk about how Disney princesses’ role throughout the movies has changed. From Snow White, all the way to Frozen. I would also look at the impact these movies have on young children and the messages that we are sending them. I would also go into why the princesses stories and movies are so influential in our lives, This would relate to my ted talk

For the ted-talk, I would dive into what makes a person (real or fictional) influential. I would go into why we look up to these people and what impact they have on our lives.

Idea #2: Tolerance vs acceptance

For the paper, I would be going into the difference between tolerance and acceptance. I would talk about how people have or have not changed over the years. Also, I would go into the different ways that schools promote or do not promote acceptance –> segregation, the LGBTQ community, and many others

For the ted-talk, I will talk about a specific event a few events that tolerance vs. acceptance has become important or relevant in today’s world

Idea #3: social media and its influence

For the paper, I would be looking at the changes in your online presence. I want to go into why people value likes and comments so much. I think that this would be a really interesting topic to look at, I think that everyone can relate to it.


Where to go?

There are many different bubble tea stores and brands. In this blog post, I am going to break down some of my favorite ones. So no matter where you are there is a good place you can go to get a tasty drink!

The first place is ViVi, this is a very popular store. What I love about ViVi is that they also sell food. They are on the more expensive side, but the quality definitely reflects the cost. Vivi has one of the largest menus and they are constantly adding new specialty drinks. But the best thing about them has to be their popcorn chicken. Popcorn chicken is basically fried chicken. They have a multitude of flavors, including basil, salt and pepper, curry and spicy.

The second store is Kung Fu Tea, conveniently there is one in downtown State College. Kung Fu Tea, in my opinion, has the best tapioca. They add honey to every batch, which makes it sweet and chewy. This is honestly the main reason that I go to this store. Yes, they do have good tea and a large menu, but the tapioca is so much better than any other place.

The third store is not a chain branch. This store only has one location in NYC. It is called M ee cafe. It is super cheap and has amazing tea. This place brings back lots of memories, my high school friends and I use to go almost every day after school and then we would go sit in Grand street park and play card games or just sit and talk.

The fourth place is also not a chain branch, bubbles in NYC has a bunch of choices for tea and toppings. But the main reason people go here is for the slushes. They have every fruit you can think of, and all of them are super tasty and inexpensive. Slush is a perfect way to cool down after a long hot summer day. My friends and I go to this place all of the time, my only problem with the place is that they only have one location. The place is very small so there isn’t a lot of seating.

As you can see there are many places, all are a little bit different, but all of them are super tasty and worth a visit. Especially mee cafe if you ever find yourself in NYC.

Rough Draft

Charlotte McCarron

CAS 137H

Rhetorical Analysis Rough Draft


Hokusai, a well-known artist, has a large collection of prints and paintings. One of his most recognizable is The Great Wave off Kanagawa. Other works of his however are often overlooked and not spoken about. The first piece that I have chosen to look at is Chinese Immortal Yuzhi and Her Dragon depicts the story of Yuzhi, the daughter of the Queen Mother of the West. She was a member of the Daoist pantheon. According to the legend, Yuzhi played the kin, her skill was so mesmerizing that flocks of birds would come to her. A white dragon was said to be instantly tamed by the sound of her playing. The second and third pieces The Ghost of Kohada Koheiji and The Ghost of Oiwa are part of the collection One Hundred Ghost Stories (Hyaku Monogatari 1831/32). This collection of works is comprised of 5 famous designs in chuban format. Both pieces come from kabuki lore. This format leans towards horror, the pieces are creepy and disturbing with some of them being borderline terrifying. In The Ghost of Kohada Koheiji, Hokusai retells the story of an actor who was tortured and killed by his wife and her lover. In a fictionalization of the story, which was performed in 1808, Koheiji (the man in the print) returns to haunt the people who killed him. Hokusai shows the man’s skeleton looking over a mosquito net at the couple as they are about to die. The third print is also part of the collection, The Ghost of Oiwa. This print also takes on a similar tone to the last piece. Originally a play, which was first staged in 1825, Oiwa was a horribly disfigured woman, due to being poisoned by her husband’s lover’s family. Her husband Iemon, to find a ground for divorce, convinces a servant to rape his wife. She is killed during the attack, as a result, she comes back as a ghost to torment her husband. In the end, he throws himself into a river and drowns. The first print comes from a completely different era to the other two.

The history and the stories behind these pieces play an integral role in how Hokusai decided to depict the characters. In a story or a play, the characters are given time to be flushed out. The audience can grow and share their emotions over time. There are clear progressions and character growth. A print or painting, on the other hand, is very different. Yes, there is no question that a good painting can bring out emotions and drag you into the turmoil of the subjects, but it is difficult. A painting, print or photograph captures a single moment, a snapshot of time that has to tell an entire story. Hokusai does this well throughout all of his pieces, he manages to express the emotions and themes of the stories through only one or two prints. In the first print Chinese Immortal Yuzhi and her Dragon, Hokusai makes deliberate moves to add to the story. He chooses to create two prints, where her dragon is separate from Yuzhi, the dragon stares, and circles her kin as he presents it to her. “As if to state that her creative gift was bestowed upon her by a divine muse,” (). The pathos of this choice makes the audience view Yuzhi as almost above humans. She is an ethical and goddess-like figure who has the ability to tame a beast as deadly as a dragon with just a song. It makes the viewer fall into the story and almost become hypnotized just like the birds and the white dragon in the story. In addition, to the significance of the dragon to the story, the beast also has special significance to the artist. “The first character of his name means ‘dragon’ and he was born in the Year of the dragon,” (). Similarly, to the beast giving Yuzhi her gift from the muses, Hokusai believes that he has been given a gift and it almost controls him. As a result, he added a seal on the print, “creativity is my master”. This adds to his logos, no the audience shouldn’t trust him when he says he was given a gift from a god, but it helps the audience to establish a connection with the idea of having a gift and using it to benefit others. Hokusai is telling people to not look at him, but rather at the art and the story that it tells.

(ADD A STRONGER TOPIC SENTENCE AND INTRODUCTION) The second and third prints take on a much different tone, one of tragedy and despair. The second print, a disturbing and creepy depiction of a man who was killed by his wife and her lover, was done with much care and attention to detail. Hokusai is thought to have referenced anatomy before creating the piece, due to the realism of the skeleton. This slight detail of making the skeleton, who is the main focus of the painting, accurate adds to the ethos and the pathos of the print. The viewer is reminded of Hokusai’s legitimacy and credibility. In addition to the raise of credibility, the details of the skeleton draw the viewer into the piece, the tone is creepy and more realistic. A story about people from a long time ago now starts to become real. It makes the audience relate the story to something they could have seen in the news or on a television show. Hokusai is able to deliver the same feeling that horror movies accomplish with jump scares, with a simple immobile woodblock print. The third print, The Ghost of Oiwa, depicts such a prolific and horrible story about a young woman. Any painting, play, print or retelling of the story has to be just as horrific. Hokusai manages to do this extremely well; he manages to show the emotion of the Oiwa as she comes back to haunt the person responsible for her murder. When the audience looks at this piece, they don’t see the beautiful women she once was, they only see what she has become. What greed and lust have caused for her. Hokusai. Both prints come from the same time period, they both take on similar topics and both manage to convey the story to the audience from a simple print.


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