

Click here to view on my Flickr.

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2DART202 Portfolio on SlideShare

This is my portfolio with my artwork from each chapter, I decided I wanted to make my portfolio simple with each art I made placed in the middle of each page, with the name of the chapter for each art placed somewhere around the page closer to the art.  I also wanted to have a little background color and pink is my favorite color which is why I wanted to have that as my background while still showing a little bit of the white borders around it and I included my name and the course name in the bottom right corner of each page.  The barcode for my video I put together earlier in the year is on the readyMade page above the snippet of the video in white and the barcode for my PSU box is on the neverending page closer to the bottom left corner in black.  I enjoyed doing the projects for each chapter this semester along with putting together this portfolio.

April 29, 2021



This is my first sketch, I was thinking of having each picture centered the same with the name of each chapter around its assigned picture.  Something nice and simple to show each project that was done.

This is my second sketch, I thought maybe of filling up the entire box with the picture and putting the name of each chapter with its assigned project the was done.

This is my third sketch, I thought of maybe having the first five projects connect diagonally with its assigned chapter name on each project that was done and having the last one on top of all projects with an opacity percentage showing the projects in the back of it.

April 27th, 2021



This is the Unity exercise,  a pretty simple clean cut layout to our first page.  I like this one as for something more sophisticated and professional, I could see this at maybe a fancy art show display.

This is the Tension exercise, a more complex layout that is still very nicely put together with the colors and layering to bring everything together.  I liked how this one came out in the end looks like a nice flyer that catches my eye.


Both exercises were very useful on showing how the master pages work along with how the individual pages come out when working in just a single page sections versus working in a master page.

April 22nd, 2021



Original Picture  

This is my variations project, I took the original picture and used the lasso tool then masked the edges to get the background to leave as much as possible and copied and pasted that 21 times each car was given its own unique hue/saturation then given a filter to go on each car.  A new hue/saturation and filter was used to go over the entire picture.  Then, I copied and pasted all 21 cars and moved those up to the side a little using a different hue/saturation and filter for those in the back.  After, I added brightness to the entire picture to make it pop out a little more. Overall, great project, I enjoyed it a lot!

Click here to view on my Flickr account!

April 13th,2021



This is my quick mask exercise, it was helpful to see the lasso tool and then to use the mask on the eyes and mustache.  A little scary looking, but I thought making the box and see through, hue, lettering was actually nice.

April 8th, 2021


Variations Sketch

First SketchThis is my first sketch, I figured I could have the car and flip it right under it and change the hue/saturation of each one


Second Sketch
This is my second sketch, I wanted to maybe just have the one car it’s self and change it’s hue/saturation and add filters to it


Third Sketch
This is my third sketch, I wanted to then have a background kind of theme in the back of the car with the cars hue/saturation changed as it goes and maybe adding filters along


April 8th, 2021



This is my cloning exercise, we put Amelia on someone else’s face as if she was still alive and there to be in the picture.  I found this exercise pretty cool to do, because it showed all the different ways someone can photoshop a picture, especially someone into the picture replacing another person.  Also, being able to take away and add color was nice to, it comes in handy with making mistakes and playing around to see what fits best.

April 6th, 2021



This is my corpseCollage photoshop picture.  I used a picture of my legs standing in line during COVID, a baby picture of myself, a picture of Crash Boat Beach in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico and a picture of the girls from “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”.  I have my legs in the background because that’s where we’re at now and in front is my favorite beach to go to with a group of girls on the beach walking and me as a sunshine going down “shinning” on the ocean and girls.  I used different hue saturations and changed my first baby picture to have a color burn edit to it, my second baby picture to have a vivid light edit to it and my third baby picture to have an overlay edit to it, while the girls walking also having an overlay edit to it as well.  Overall, fun project.

Click here to view on my Flickr!


April 1st,2021


First Picture

Second Picture

Third Picture

Fourth Picture



First SketchThis is my first sketch, I wanted to put the legs in the back representing COVID, since there really isn’t much someone can do now.  Then, have the beach over it, it’s where I’d rather be at, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico and my baby face up top as a sun, since those were my most happiest moments, is when I was really really young, then have the Sisterhood girls walking on the side of the beach land, this whole part would be representing what I miss doing, going to the beach with a group of friends and enjoying life and having a fun time making memories again.


Second SketchThis is my second sketch, I was thinking of maybe having my legs in the side as if I was sitting on the beach, still having my baby face up top as the sun and the Sisterhood girls walking the beach again.


Third SketchThis is my third sketch, I was thinking of having the legs i the back again, then having the Sisterhood girls walking the beach again with my baby face over Lena’s face who is the Greek girl in the book and movie, since I am half Greek.

Final Sketch

This is my final sketch screenshot, I chose to go with my first sketch

Click Here!

March 25th, 2021



This is my layer collage photo I did during class using photoshop.  This was actually a really interesting exercise, I liked being able to show all pictures using the opacity and using the different hue and saturations for each part, like the hands and then the corpse.  Being able to group layers together and have then organized how you like is also a cool feature too.  I liked making this photo.

March 25th, 2021