

This my finishing thirteenWays project.  I made the blackbird in the front so it would be the first to pop out, the mountains, river, and tree I decided to keep kind of in the background.  I wanted the river to look like it was starting from in between the tree and mountains down to behind the blackbird.  I originally didn’t have the river in my sketched, I included it in my final project, because I felt without the river the image looked a little too plain and I also noticed my drawing was spaced out pretty well on paper but being put on Ai, I needed to add something else.  I like the river being put in, although it was a little hard trying to figure out how to make this river and which letter will best fit, so I used the letter “S” and included little pebbles around it using the letters “O” uppercase and lowercase, while also using the number “0”.  Throughout the image I used “)”, “(“, “S”, “O”, “o”, “0”, “V”, “v”, “M”, “,”, “C”, “L”, and also using the word “BLACKBIRD” inside the body of the blackbird.  I liked this project, I really enjoyed it.

You can click here to find my image on my Flickr.

February 23rd, 2021



First Sketch This was my first sketch, I wanted to make the blackbird the center of it all.  I wanted it to be the thing the pops out the most.  I started with just the blackbird because that was all the kept coming to mind considering I kept seeing, hearing and reading the word “blackbird”.

Second Sketch 
This was my second sketch, I made the 15 squares and drew where I would like to place things at.  I had put grass on the ground area, made a tree, and had snowy mountains in the back, making the bird the biggest drawing of everything else drawn.  I also wanted to keep it nature based while making it into a story based picture.

Third SketchThis is my third sketch, I drew the above picture again instead trying to make the strokes into letters, I used letters “C”, “V”, “M”, “W”, “I”, “L”, “O”, and “J”.  I realized the letter “S” can also be used for the top of the body if needed for a better transition.  I kept the same concept, just incorporated the letters to have a better understanding of what letters I can use and how it may come out to look like with those letters.

“Idea List”This here is what I would like for my final project to portray and how I would do fillings such as the body of the blackbird.  Basically just my “idea list” of how I would want to do this project.

I would also be:

      • using the color green
      • using the color black
      • using the color blue
      • using the color white
      • using fonts the are maybe more rounded than the others
      • using any numbers that may fit well in the background and/or even as the feathers on the body of the blackbird
      • trying to incorporate what we did in the typeDrawing exercise with the letters in this final project

February 18th, 2021



This is my Type Drawing exercise I did in class today.  I liked this exercise, at first it was a little difficult to find how to get the white in the black and to get both letters selected together, but I got it to work.  I also actually like how my initials came out to look with this exercise, I think it looks very nice and like it could be a logo for something.

You can click here to find this image on my Flickr!

February 16th,2021



This is my Grid Systems exercise I created during class today.  It was actually pretty nice to be able to put spacings in between the letters of the actual word and to separate the dot in the i and use that as the box below.  Overall, I liked this exercise.

You can click here to find this image on my Flickr!

February 16th, 2021



This is the image I created following the getsaltPraxis steps.  I enjoyed making it just for the simple fact that the boxes had to be symmetrical to each other and in the last two boxes, the circles had to be as symmetrical as possible to each other, which that was a little difficult but I ended up getting it after a couple tries.

Click here to find this image on my Flickr account.

February 11th, 2021


Sketching to Digital Productions

My final presentation kind of drifted away from how I first wanted my presentation to go.  It was a little confusing at first, but I leaned towards want to go through the steps of how a digital production is created using sketches.  I incorporated a video from YouTube on the making of the Simpsons and then incorporated a scene from an episode on YouTube I found, titled Bart Chef to show a little clip of a final production of it made by starting off with sketches. I wanted to keep it Simpsons themed so I also had the Simpsons theme song playing in the back. Overall, I actually enjoyed doing this presentation, brainstorming about it and coming up with ideas little by little to create this.

February 4th, 2021