

First SketchThis is my first sketch, I wanted to put the legs in the back representing COVID, since there really isn’t much someone can do now.  Then, have the beach over it, it’s where I’d rather be at, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico and my baby face up top as a sun, since those were my most happiest moments, is when I was really really young, then have the Sisterhood girls walking on the side of the beach land, this whole part would be representing what I miss doing, going to the beach with a group of friends and enjoying life and having a fun time making memories again.


Second SketchThis is my second sketch, I was thinking of maybe having my legs in the side as if I was sitting on the beach, still having my baby face up top as the sun and the Sisterhood girls walking the beach again.


Third SketchThis is my third sketch, I was thinking of having the legs i the back again, then having the Sisterhood girls walking the beach again with my baby face over Lena’s face who is the Greek girl in the book and movie, since I am half Greek.

Final Sketch

This is my final sketch screenshot, I chose to go with my first sketch

Click Here!

March 25th, 2021



This is my layer collage photo I did during class using photoshop.  This was actually a really interesting exercise, I liked being able to show all pictures using the opacity and using the different hue and saturations for each part, like the hands and then the corpse.  Being able to group layers together and have then organized how you like is also a cool feature too.  I liked making this photo.

March 25th, 2021





The first picture is my  photo created using photoshop and the second one is my tonal scale photo.  Both pictures were very interesting and fun to make.  It was nice being able to change the color saturation and hue.  It was also pretty cool to be able to change the entire picture into the grayscale.  I liked trying these photoshop tools on these two pictures.

March 25th, 2021












This is my mandala final artwork project.  I created a symmetrical square shape out of boxes of squares to create the background look.  I used different shades of each elements color with a different opacity percentage for each row of squares in each box.  I created a drawing for each element and used that as the style of each blend of circles, then expanded those to edit each circle of the blend and change every other style so it didn’t look so cluttered and the drawing of the style was easier to see.  I created the body of the butterfly to bring the elements together as wings.  As for the butterfly body, I used the polygon shape tool to build up the body while some parts creating a rounded rigid effect and rectangle shaped antennas with eclipse shaped top.  I used a background of each element color using the grayscale.    Overall, I liked this project and I enjoyed making this picture.

You can view this image here on my Flickr account.

March 18th, 2021


Sketch 1Here I sketched Water and Air zodiac signs which are something I may want to incorporate into my mandala which their assigned colors.


Sketch 2Here I sketched Earth and Fire zodiac signs which are something I may want to incorporate into my mandala which their assigned colors.


Sketch 3Here I sketched what pattern I’d like for my mandala to somewhat have along with assigning each element to a specific square along with their assigned colors.


Sketch 4Here I sketched another pattern I’d like for my mandala to somewhat have along with assigning each element to a specific square along with their assigned colors.

March 9th, 2021


mandalaColorThis is my color exercise, I liked messing with the colors and opacity percentage.  I thought those were really cool, second box was nice to show how we can make it look like boxes in the back of the front set of boxes are still being shown.  Although, it is very hard to find the exact color to do that.  Overall, good exercise.

March 9th, 2021



This is my line art exercise.  I liked this exercise, the only thing I had the most trouble with was blending the lines in the second box on the right side.  Other than that I didn’t have much trouble with it, I thought this exercise was actually really cool.  Another thing is that the scatter effect used in the last box on the right was actually a pretty cool feature, because while messing around with it I noticed since it’s put on random as you click on the icon for the scatter it’ll randomize the sizing each time, that outcome was the outcome I liked the most out of the other ones I had seen so I decided to keep it like that.

March 4th, 2021


mandalaEuclidThis is my first mandala euclid exercise.  I enjoyed doing this exercise just because of being able to make the top and bottom right squares, I like pictures like that and being able to put together the shapes to create it was fun for me.  I enjoyed creating the last square the most.  It’s pretty nice to see how you can overlap shapes to create a much bigger picture, that even looks complex but in reality isn’t.

March 2nd, 2021