Time Management: Hacked
As school starts back up again and everyone is forced to get back in the swing of things, figuring out how to do so can be quite a daunting task. Whether you have twelve, eighteen, or twenty-four class credits, whether you work five, fifteen, or thirty hours a week–figuring out how to manage your time is something that is not only incredibly difficult but also fundamentally important in ensuring a successful semester with minimal stress. With this in mind, I’ve decided to make my life hack blog debut themed around setting yourself up for success in the new semester with time management hacks! Continue reading to learn my tricks to an organized life.
Photo By ShotAtLife.org
This semester, I am enrolled in twenty-four credits and I work twenty-five to thirty hours a week, and I like to have a social life, so proper scheduling is vital to ensure that I don’t explode. The biggest part of my organizational life is founded upon the use of Google Calendar for scheduling my time throughout each week. Though my method may be a bit excessive to some, it is something that has made my life much simpler. GCal has many functions that make scheduling easy and pain-free and is the best online calendar that I have found thus far. Here’s what I do with GCal:
Photo by Courtney McDowell
Every semester, I make a calendar for each of my classes, and then I have several indefinite calendars that I use–one for work, one for activities, one for workouts, one for birthdays and holidays. From that point, I put everything that I do into my calendar. The way that I do things for school is a little different than the way that I do everything else, so I’ll split up my explanation.
Photo by Courtney McDowell
For non-school things, I simply make a calendar event and input what I will be doing when I will be doing it. For work stuff that I need to do, I attach the files that I need to use for each particular task so that everything is in one place. One great thing about GCal is that you can set up a reoccurring event, and that’s helpful because I have lots of things that I do every week or every other week, so I make one calendar event, and I can make it automatically occur every week or month or whatever the task requires. For example, every Thursday, I send out an email to my staff with their schedules. I put in one Thursday event that says “Email Staff” and I’m reminded every week.
That feature is also helpful for school things. I put in “RCL” on the first Monday of the semester, and have it repeat every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the semester in my RCL calendar, and my semester is set. From that point, I go through each syllabus and input every assignment and due date into each class’s calendar so that I have one place where every assignment, quiz, and exam is. From that point, as I go through my semester, I look at my upcoming week and plan out when I want to study for something or work on each particular assignment and then go ahead and put that right into my calendar as well. This way, I can take big projects and break them up in my calendar over a one or two week period to that I don’t lose my mind! Yay!
If you have any questions about GCal or time management, feel free to comment below!
Over and Out.
25 January 2019 at 09:31 (6 years ago)I also really like the idea of you using GCal to plan and organize your schedule. It seems efficient and we don’t need to spend the extra money on buying planners. GCal will probably make my life more easier since I have classes where it is set on what we do each class day and writing the same hw gets tiring. I will give GCal a try next year when I’m done with using my planner that I have now.
11 January 2019 at 09:37 (6 years ago)I really like the idea of using a calendar to get yourself completely organized for the semester. It definitely seems to be pretty time consuming with attaching all the files and figuring out what you need to do. But at the same time, I really feel like it’s all worth it because of how it eliminates some of the stress! I also think that planning everything out also helps to keep me focused. I’ve tried using Google Calendar before, but I just can’t seem to figure out how to make multiple different calendars with different colors, so that’s kind of discouraged my use some. Even though I don’t use an online calender that much, I’ve found that planning out what I need to do each day as it comes is really helpful in helping me set my priorities and stay focused.