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To many, this bumper sticker delivers a simple and succinct message: no matter your religion, humans should coexist and live in peace. And although the moral of this message is certainly one to subscribe to strive towards, it horribly discounts the international religious controversy that is taking place at this very minute all over the world.
The Middle East is being razed by ISIS; Scandinavia is bringing up radical Islamophobics; the Central African Republic is home to the center of a war between Muslims and Christians; Sri Lanka is being disheveled by Buddhists.
These conflicts are supposed to be washed away by thousands of hands-off Americans buying a $3.00 sticker and adhering it to their bumper to demonstrate just how accepting they are? Doubtful.
The majority of those who see or own these bumper stickers, of course, think nothing of it–the lives of Americans are too busy to stop and think about the true meaning behind something that may seem positive on a surface level. The pathos of the message of “coexisting” drives its success among unaware supporters, but ultimately, the logic behind it simply does not hold up when examined within the context of actual worldwide religious conflict.
Over and Out.
Perfect pithy statement for this conversation! I feel, however, that you could have maybe dug a little deeper into your topic and really pull out those ideologies and common places and how they effect the logos appeal. But, I love the background information within the post and the format of how you layered the information that was given to the audience.