Nine times out of ten, I write my blog posts on Thursday nights–about twelve, eight, maybe six hours or so before they are due. But this week, I sat down to write this post on Tuesday afternoon–I thought maybe I will get this thing done early and not have to think about blogging again until next week. I did not have anything in particular on my mind to write, so I jumped onto the internet, typing “US politics” into Google and selecting “News” to see what was going on in the world at that particular moment.
What I saw utterly devastated me to my very core.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is saying something silly and ridiculous–as per usual.
More and more presidential candidate hopefuls are urging Medicare-for-all.
Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi are still fighting about all things border protection and discretionary spending.
New York’s new legislation is leading the rest of the US down a spiral of endless unregulated infanticide.
Photo by NewYorkFamilies
To say the least, I really did not want to delve deeply into any of these topics that have so grossly divided this nation. So then, I shut my laptop and decided to think on it–I would come back to it later.
So then Tuesday afternoon turned into Tuesday night; Tuesday night quickly ended, rushing into a tired Wednesday morning; Wednesday morning faded into a frozen evening chill. And now, I sit on a Thursday night, still unsure of what topic to write about, just under ten hours left for me to write this post, even more, upset by the current state of our political arena.
The human existence is such an interesting one. We spend the beginning of our lives learning how to walk and talk, how to read and write. Then we head on over to more distinct levels of learning–middle, then high school–trying ever so hard to learn the norms of the social world and how to act an react to the society that we are surrounded by. Then once we think that we have got that mastered, we move on to bigger and better things: maybe straight into a career, maybe college, maybe finding ourselves in the Galapagos. Either way, we develop further, forming opinions, making decisions, establishing our lives.
Photo by Dr. Alan Zimmerman
I think that we forget that no other human person truly and fully understands where we come from, and we will never truly and fully understand where others come from either. We can communicate with each other, but we can never really get inside one another’s heads and really, truly think and understand and feel what others do.
I think we forget that. I think we make too many assumptions. I think we are so focused on ourselves and getting our own points across that we lose sight of the fact that we all come from a unique background with a unique worldview.
That being said, I also think that it’s been a dark week for American babies. I understand that many people do not believe that life begins at conception. I understand that many people believe that women should be able to disregard the consequences of their decisions and control their own bodies. I find that irresponsible. I find that utterly immoral. I find that disrespectful of human life.
Because of the confusion over where life begins, I can see that there may be controversy over first trimester abortions. But the fact that people genuinely feel that it is okay to kill a baby that has fully developed and call it ‘necessity’ to preserve safety for the mother is unbelievably astonishing to me. It is something that I will never in my life understand.
I don’t get how we are openly and vengefully angered by the acts of people who murder children and teenagers and adults and the elderly, but babies are somehow less valuable in some of our eyes.
This new legislation passed in New York state is truly devastating. Honestly, I am done with being mad. We keep fighting each other over these things that are so obviously and glaringly wrong and immoral, and it simply crushes me.
This world is so lost, so broken, so dark. We have strayed so far from our purpose on this earth. We were created in God’s image to bring glory to Him and expand His kingdom, but all that we, as a whole of humanity, have done is run from His plan and our inheritance.
We need a reality check. We are a dot in the grand scheme of things–we really need to reevaluate our importance in this world.
Over and Out.