This is a combination of notes loosely based on Sakurai’s Modern Quantum Mechanics and solved problems. I’m aiming for a mathematically complete approach, so I will state theorems without proof.
The wave-particle duality
Sakurai motivates representation of states in quantum mechanics as a complete, complex inner product space using the Stern-Gerlach experiment and the analogy with classical electromagnetic waves (a vaguely historical motivation based on wave-particle duality). For example, a plane wave polarized in the direction can be written as
$$\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}, t)=E_0\cos(kz-\omega t)\hat{\mathbf{x}}=\mathfrak{Re}\left\{E_0e^{i(kz-\omega t)}\right\}\hat{\mathbf x}$$
This correspondence is due to the fact that is isomorphic to . Applying a counterclockwise rotation in the -plane, the filter gives
$$\begin{bmatrix}\hat{\mathbf x}’\\\hat{\mathbf y}’\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}\cos\frac\pi 4&\sin\frac\pi 4\\-\sin\frac\pi 4&\cos\frac\pi 4\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\hat{\mathbf x}\\\hat{\mathbf y}\end{bmatrix}$$
Sakurai shows that from the empirical information of Stern-Gerlach experiments, spin states in the direction correspond to and polarizations of light, the states correspond to the and polarizations, and states correspond to circularly polarized light (equivalent to multiplying the component by , representing a phase shift).
Vector spaces
Denote the elements of a complete, complex inner product space by . To the vector space , there is a dual vector space which is the set of linear functionals .
With the axiom of choice (in the form of Zorn’s lemma) any (possibly infinite dimensional) vector space has a basis called a Hamel basis. When we restrict to a complete inner product space (includes all limit points), a Hilbert space, which has the additional requirement of being separable then there exists a countable (orthonormal) basis and the Hilbert space is isomorphic to . There is a natural correspondence between a basis in the Hilbert space and a basis in the dual space . We require that
where is the Kronecker delta which is if and otherwise.
The Reisz representation theorem for Hilbert spaces guarantees that and are related such that
$$\forall \omega\in V^*, \forall v\in V, \exists w\in V\ \text{s.t. }\omega(v)=\langle w, v\rangle$$
where the norm induced by the inner product in a Hilbert space is defined by .
The Hilbert space inner product satisfies the following properties
$$\langle y, x\rangle = \overline{\langle x,y\rangle}$$
$$\langle ax_1+bx_2,y\rangle=a\langle x_1,y\rangle+b\langle x_2,y\rangle$$
and the inner product is positive definite.
The set of automorphisms of this inner product space are linear operators, which for finite dimensional vector spaces can be represented by invertible matrices . There is identification for operators acting on with operators acting on ; is the adjoint of an operator if
$$\forall x,y\in H: \langle Ax,y\rangle=\langle x,A^*y\rangle$$
For finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, this definition along with the first property of the inner product determines that the given the matrix representation of an operator , its adjoint satisfies $$(A^*)_{ij}=\overline{A_{ji}}\equiv A^\dagger$$
With abuse of notation, if (), then is self-adjoint.
For even more abstraction, see *-algebras.