FYS3: Learning Center Experience

On July 9th, 2019, I headed over to the Learning Center in the Boucke Building after class to get my critical reading paper for Comm 100 looked over.

Going into the session, I was a little lost on how to organize my paper. I had not finished it yet, and was really hoping for some guidance on where to go next. When I arrived to the learning center, I saw a few other kids from my leap waiting as well. I signed in and wrote my name on the board, then sat down to wait for my session to start.

As there were a few people in front of me, and each session takes anywhere from 15-30 minutes, I was waiting for almost an hour before I was called in. During this time, me and a few of my other classmates all started working on our other papers we had due, and were discussing what assignments all of us had done, and what we still had to do for homework. This week was a pretty heavy week assignment wise, so all of us were pretty stressed out.

Once I was finally called into my session, I met with my tutor, Carlton, and told him about my concerns I had with my paper so far. He then had me read my paper out loud to him, and I wasn’t even through the third sentence when he stopped me. I knew my introduction was rough, and definitely not long enough. He explained to me that I needed a better opening, one that will hook the reader, and that I should go a little more in depth about what the magazines are.

As I continued to read through my body paragraphs, Carlton stopped me a few more times. He told me how I should organize my paper to make it flow together a little better, and how I need to go more in depth on certain topics that weren’t very clear. I asked him a few more clarifying questions, and then we were done!

My session did not take very long, maybe 15 minutes. I just needed a little bit of guidance, and my tutor helped me a lot with that. I filled out a brief survey after I was finished, and then I headed out.

Going to the Learning Center was very helpful, it answered a lot of the confusions I had about organization with this assignment. After I left, I went back home feeling a little less stressed, and knocked out the rest of my essay, all thanks to the Learning Center!

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