Blog 2

In lesson2, we learned the basic definitions, identity and diversity of LGBT. The intersection of LGBT is not just its sexuality and queer, but also the race, class and anything that can categorized people. In my archived project, I think the main identities in my project will be gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, while QQIAAP+ are less central to my project.

One of my posts points out the intersectional concern of the LGBT community, that are gender and class. As I’m doing more research, I find out that “class”, “homosexuals”, “heterosexual” and “bisexual” will be the key intersectional concerns in my archive project. It likes the table “Relative Privilege and Oppression” that showed in “Finding Out An Introduction to LGBT. Studies”. Most of the LGBT people are tended to be working class and sometime middle classes and ruling classes.

The concepts of QQIAAP+ were too broad and ambiguous at that time. So most people could not categorize themselves into those identities. Instead of that, they could/wanted to categorize themselves by something like “sexuality”, “class”, “race” and more. This may be the reason why my intersectional concerns will be more “homosexuals”, “heterosexual”, and “bisexual”.

As I’m doing more research for Western countries, there might be some discoveries of QQIAAP+. However, in East Asia, most people tended to put themselves into a category instead of being ambiguous.

This entry was posted in Blog.

7 thoughts on “Blog 2

  1. I think the representation you offer is great! While you offer a more centralized representation to the LGBT, I think that touching on some “queer” scenarios and ideas could also benefit your project. For example, have there been any people in East or West Asia that are queer and would help to provide some more insight on your topic?

  2. Thank you for this post. LGBT community has earned a special mention in almost all the countries of the world. The prevalence of such people in the society is increasing. Many countries have become friendly with this concept and have accepted. But, there are still some people in the society who look down upon LGBT community and do not socialize with them. They are even deprived of many rights and privileges which is not right. I have read about this aspect in some of the articles at writing my paper where the academic experts have shed light upon the way LGBT people are discriminated in the society.

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