Polymer rheology

Colby Research Group

The Colby research group studies diverse polymeric materials using rheological, electrical, thermal, and optical methods to probe the dynamics of polymer melts and liquids.

Ionic Polymers

Polyelectrolyte Dielectric Spectroscopy
Polyelectrolyte Solution Rheology
Ionomer Dielectric Spectroscopy
Polymerized Ionic Liquids
Polyelectrolyte Gels
Ionomer Rheology

Nonionic Polymers

Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymer Melts
Entanglement in Polymer Melts and Solutions
Gels and Branched Polymers
Miscible Polymer Blends

Structured Fluids, Colloids and Glasses

Self-assembling Colloidal Suspensions into Polymers
Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Systems
Structured Fluids
Glass Formation 

Biomaterials and Sustainability

Cellulose and Chitosan Solutions in Ionic Liquids
Protein Dispersions

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