Professional Affiliations
- American Society of Engineering Education
- Lawrence J. Perez Student Advocate Award
- College of Education Leadership and Service Award
- W. LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Award
- Best Adviser, Engineers for a Sustainable World
Book Published
- Convergence: Philosophies and Pedagogies for Developing the Next Generation of Humanitarian Engineers and Social Entrepreneurs. Edited by: Colledge, T.H., IJSLE, 2012
- Computer Aided Design Using Solid Modeling—6th Edition (1999). Schroff Publishing, Inc., Colledge, Thomas, D. Sathianathan, J. Faldowski, S. Ranade, and K. Meyer.
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Colledge, T.H., Nurturing Engineering Design Thinking: What’s a Parent to Do? Colledge, The International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship. (In Press).
- Toto, Roxanne, Thomas Colledge, David Frederick, Instructional Strategies to Promote Student Strategic Thinking When Using SolidWorks. Advances in Engineering Education. Winter, 2014. Vol. 4 Issue 1, pp. 1-37.
- Colledge, T.H., Engineering and Engaged Scholarship at Penn State Part I: The Rationale. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship. Special Issue. Spring 2014. pp. 97-113
- Colledge, T.H. et. al., Engineering and Engaged Scholarship at Penn State: Part II: The Existing Ecosystem. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship. Special Issue. Spring 2014. pp. 114-147
- Colledge, T.H., Development of a Certificate Program in Engineering Service Learning and Entrepreneurship. NCIIA Annual Proceedings, 2007.
- Snyder, Benjamin J., J. Bussard, J.Dolak, T. Weiser, T. Colledge. A Portable Sisal Decorticator for Kenyan Farmers, The International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering. Vol. 1, No. 2, September, 2006.
- Colledge, T.H., Cognitive Foundations of Engineering Design/Build Service Learning Projects. Proceedings from Engineering Design at Catholic Universities. Spring, 2005