Industrial Experience
Professional Engineering License:
(PE-049560-E): Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania
Work Experience:
The Chester Engineers, Environmental Group, Coraopolis, PA
Gannett Fleming, Site Development Group, Chantilly, VA
Uni-Tec Engineers, Inc., Design Engineer, State College, PA
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor of Engineering Design (1997-Present)
The School of Engineering Design, Technology and Professional Programs, Pennsylvania State University.
Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (1998-2001)
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University.
Instructor of Engineering Design (1991-1994)
The School of Engineering Design, Technology and Professional Programs, Pennsylvania State University.
Courses Developed and Taught
ENGR 097 Humanitarian Engineering First Year Seminar
EDSGN 100 Engineering Design
EDSGN 297/497 Design of Appropriate Technologies in Developing Communities
EDSGN 352 Foundations of Community Service Engineering
EDSGN 452 Projects in Community Service Engineering
EDSGN 497B Engineering Design in Service
EDSGN 497C Cognitive Aspects of Design Thinking
ASM 221: Agricultural Systems Management
ABE 402: Transport Processes for Biological Production
ASM 428: Electric Power and Instrumentation for Agriculture