Updates and Important Reminders

Hey folks. I posted the guidelines for Media Critiques, which are accessible here and through ‘Assignments’ in the menu above. Both the schedule and the guidelines for leading class discussion are also now located under ‘Assignments’. I’ll be updating the weekly schedule with supplementary readings and links this weekend.

I’ll be taking a closer look at everyone’s tweets and blog posts from the last two weeks. So if you haven’t been making use of social media, please remember that the bulk of your participation grade requires you to do so, and I’ll be keeping track of it throughout the semester. Also, please get in the habit of checking Twitter once a day, since it’s a much quicker and easier way for me to make certain announcements to the class.

Finally, please keep the following things in mind if you are using your personal blog for class (instead of one that you made specifically for this course):

1. Please tag all course-related posts with: COMM292.
Tagging content will make it much easier for me to find and read. You can do this in one of two ways:

  • When you write a new post you can add a tag by either entering COMM292 into the box where it says Tags (in the menu on the right, below Categories) or by clicking on ‘Choose from the most used tags’ and selecting COMM292 (if you’ve used the tag before).
  • Alternatively, you can also ‘bulk’ edit tags for posts that you’ve already written. Just watch these quick video instructions I made and simply repeat the task on your own blog.

2. You can still create a new blog, if you wish.
If you are uncomfortable with having your blog address posted on our course website, please create a new blog that you only use for our class (and provide me with a link). I assumed that any of you with blogging experience wouldn’t have have given me your personal blog address if you had concerns about your privacy, but nevertheless, I should’ve emphasized this point more explicitly at the beginning of the semester. Long story short: don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you want to make a change.


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