Talk Radio

Hey guys, check out this article i found on “Talk Radio” written by Professor Hagopian here at Penn State. It’s a cool overview of the view, with breakdowns of the most interesting scenes in professor Hagopians opinion. Furthermore, its detailed info on events that occured behind the scenes. Hope you guys like it.

One thought on “Talk Radio

  1. Gabriel P Cohen

    I thought that this was a wonderful article that really delves into the character of Barry Champlain. Hagopian takes a look at the cinematography that makes the movie what it is, a character study of the talk radio show host. Hagopian writes about how we circle Barry in his studio, eyeing and analyzing his every move and every word. There are certainly intense psychological elements to the film and for the viewer it is even at times hard to watch and listen. This was a great movie and I really enjoyed watching it, despite its dark edges and extreme themes it discussed.

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