Talk Radio Ending

After Barry is brutally gunned down in the parking lot, the film ends in spectacular sweeping views of the Dallas skyline with voice overs from Barry’s listeners. Before this, the camera pans up the radio tower with Dallas’s most well known skyscraper in the background with its green light lined outline. I thought this was a really nice ending to the movie and it left a lasting impression. I have a great interest in skyscrapers and skylines and this ending was enjoyable for me. Oliver Stone introduces the movie Wall Street with views of NYC so this is not the first or last time that the director has used a cityscape in his movie as an intro or ending.

What did you think of the ending of this film? What impact did it have on you?

One thought on “Talk Radio Ending

  1. knk5069

    I thought it was ended very well. The voice overs with the reactions of Barry’s listeners over the shots of Dallas continued to exemplify the anonymity of his listeners and the significance of talk radio and the voice as the sole source of characterization, allowing us to picture what kind of person, and what his listeners may have looked like. It would have felt weird to suddenly show video of his listeners reactions to his death. Furthermore, the shots of the city of Dallas made me feel like Stone was actually videoing the radio, because radio waves are invisible and it takes up the atmosphere of Dallas.

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