Videodrome Re-make

According to this article from 2 years ago, a remake of Videodrome has been in the works for a while may have been picked up by Adam Berg.

However, the project is having troubles getting off the ground because they don’t know if they can pull it off without that 80s style.

A major idea for how the film would be adapted for modern audiences was to explain the freaky occurrences with nano technology and blow the whole affair into a massive sci-fi action thriller.

I feel like this idea for the modern remake is very ironic and the individuals looking to adapt this screenplay missed the entire point of the original film.  What are your thoughts?

2 thoughts on “Videodrome Re-make

  1. Gabriel P Cohen

    I think that there is a lot of potential in a Videodrome remake. The CGI technology that exists today would make for some incredible special effects. Yet, as Remy pointed out with the example of google glass, media technology and technology in general has come a very long way and developed greatly. I think that if a remake were to be done, Cronenberg should be deeply involved. I would love to hear his opinion about the possibility of a Videodrome remake.

  2. Remy Maisel

    I tend to agree with you. I’m just not sure you can remake this film in the era of Google Glass. How does technology get any more invasive and perception-altering than that? Also, I’d worry that it would somehow become about Jihadi terrorists. Big sci-fi adventure movies seem to these days — even Star Trek. I liked Into Darkness well enough despite its flaws and I love Benedict Cumberbatch no matter what always, but I wasn’t too keen on having the big climax of the film be an aircraft being flown into a skyscraper.

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