Silicon Valley A-holes

I posted the link to the video as well as the video. I think that this show is incredible and hilarious and gives a look into the world of Silicon Valley and the men and women who call it home as well as their place of work. Being an asshole and knowing when and where to be one seems to be a big factor of success in this California area. This show explores a lot of different aspects of Silicon Valley and the numerous startups and apps that come from this thriving region. The guys in this show are trying to make it just like Zuckerberg and Facebook did, and it can be accomplished by being an asshole supposedly.

3 thoughts on “Silicon Valley A-holes

  1. Joseph Paul Davies

    This clip, though obviously created to be funny, hits home in the context of The Social Network. Mark Zuckerberg was vocally upset about his portrayal in the film, but he did cut his former best friend out of his company and angrily blog about his ex girlfriend. It was that kind of passion and fury that led him to create such an immense company. Unfortunately, a side effect of those attributes is that you are going to have to be an asshole. Saverin is portrayed as the moral center in the film, and he almost gets nothing. Sean Parker, on the other hand, is portrayed as a complete asshole, and he stands to gain everything. This goes along with the trope that massive success simply is not possible by being nice to everyone. It should make people think twice before trying to elbow their way to the top.

  2. Krista Krebs

    Like the poster for The Social Network said, “YOU DON’T GET TO 500 MILLION FRIENDS WITHOUT MAKING A FEW ENEMIES.” This is a great show. Thanks for sharing this cilp!

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