Teaching Writing with Google Docs in the Post-Pandemic World

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM

Where: Zoom

Google Docs can be a powerful tool to teach writing, both face to face and remotely. Now that so many people are familiar with them, it’s the perfect time to capitalize on Google Docs advantages. In this session, instructors will share successes and tips for teaching writing with Google Docs in any classroom. Come to pick experienced brains!

Presented By:

  • Dr. Ashley Yochim – Associate Teaching Professor of English, Behrend
  • Dr. Zack De Piero – Assistant Teaching Professor of English Composition, Abington

Facilitator: Rebecca McCormick

Series: Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days 2021

Session Recording


Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days Fall 2021

This session is part of Fall 2021 Instructor Days. This event explores topics related to invigorating your teaching practice, strategies to preserve from Pandemic teaching, and practices for supporting students.

Note: Video captions for Instructor Day recordings are being reviewed. Minor errors may exist.